Any Canadian buyers want to give advice on buying and selling BTC? I just bought for the first time on Coinbase with credit card and would like to buy more but wondering what would be good websites or methods to do so. I don't need to be able to sell on the same website I am fine with transferring from one to another in order to sell or withdrawal.
Any Canadian buyers want to give advice on buying and selling BTC...
Shakepay is by far the best option for Canadians.
Shakepay, you can e-transfer up to 10k
kraken takes about a day for wire transfers
Thanks fellas. I am just checking out their site and it looks like they don't charge anything? Do they just sell to you at a higher than market rate to make their profit?
Is their any pros and cons between shakepay and kraken?
bump for interest, leaf too
Kraken for fast and cheap withdrawals
I been using Canadian Bitcoins since 2013
have you ever withdrawn large amounts? have you ever had any trouble?
pay your taxes and you won't have any trouble
Big Kek brother
shakepay for chump change
kraken for large deposit/withdraw use OTC unless you know how to enter/exit the market on BTC/CAD with its shit liquidity
No fees on funding your account until July 2 at coinsquare
So I have been trying to setup up shakepay but it is just continually crashing... tryed restarting phone but no luck. Anyone have issues? Running android 6.0.1 - am I retarded for this? I take it the answer is to run an update?
Has anyone had their banks close their account for sending/receiving crypto transactions? I've heard people having this issue but I don't know if it was just for people buying with credit cards back in 2017 or if this is still happening.
You have to tell your bank ahead of time that a large some of money is coming and from where. If a million+ bucks randomly showed up in your account, of course they'd be suspicious.
the accounts that where shut down were usually commercial accounts for small exchanges
can set up a small online only account with tangerine if you're worried though
not true at all, had 100k+ sent to scotiabank from quadriga while it still worked
If you want to stay off the radar and have access to one Honey Badger ATMs are handy. The rates aren't the best but I look at it like you're paying for the anonymity.
coinsquare has very little liquidity / lots of slippage
newton has liquidity but their pricing isn't good, you have to market buy/sell
shakepay, i don't use it but hear it's good
i've been meaning to go with kraken but haven't opened up an account.
in volatile periods where you might leave money or bitcoin on the exchange for an extended period of time - like now, i think it's best to use a few exchanges rather than just using one in case they exit scam or default.
Splitting it into a few exchanges is exactly what I was thinking might be a good idea to do.
Best one is still Virwox even after all these years. Stripe plus CC is the best. After your first transaction, wait 60 days and you’ll be able to funnel $5000 USD per month
Also shilling shakepay. Never let me down. Always get e-transfer to Binance wallet within 20 minutes using ETH
Kraken in person deposit at a Canadian post takes 5 minutes to show up in your account. Cheapest rate you can ever find in the whole of Canada. I used it today.
Second option is, BITBUY. You can use email money to deposit, don't chose the fast option they take same time. Takes about 10-30 minutes for your canadian $ to show up in your account. These are the two best ways to fund your account.
Bitbuy is 50% cheaper than coinbase, and kraen is 90% cheaper than coinbase.
Buy need KYC for both options.
With Kraken,you can deposit $7500 USD daily ones your account has been verified. And they put the Canadian dollars in your account,they don't sell you the BTC you buy it on the exchange. there are a lot of coins and tokens pared to Canadian dollars. High Volume exchange,one of the best in the world. Best customers service ever. Try Kraken and thank me later.
>deposit at a Canadian post takes 5 minutes
Is this using MoneyGram?
Does Kraken have funding fees or just trade fees?
OTC with an Asian woman in Chinatown Toronto, cash. No ID. Fuck paying the tax niggers.