Austrian tax anons help me

Repost because yesterday ATfags were asleep and i didn't get a lot of answers.

Austrian anons please help me.

Following situation: i have bought some Bitcoin and ETH for something like 2000€ in summer 2017.

I have then made countless trades. Shitcoins, shit exchanges, multiple trades a day. ICOs, airdrops, masternodes etc. You name it.
In those two years until now i didn't keep track on ANYTHING. Of course i still have the coinbase receipts and trade history from binance etc. but no way i can document everything for mr. taxman.

Now is my question how do i get "clean". I basically want to start fresh and keep everything documented. So in the case i make some good money in the upcoming bullrun i can cash out and pay taxes if i have to.

Wouldn't it be possible to sell my alts now for bitcoin, so i have the same amount as 2 years ago, send them to coinbase and say i have hodld for 1+ year and pay no taxes?

Or will mr. Shekelstein ask questions like " but user, you have sent your bitcoin to shitcoin exchange 69, what did you do there?"

Anyone got a masterplan for me? Also we are talking here like 10k €. Should i just cash out small amounts and it's save?

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What's your general situation? Do you have income? I dont know how to proceed about it, but if you don't hold for at least a year, your profits are added to your income and taxed as such. Meaning: if you were below the "Geringfügigkeitsgrenze" you wouldn't owe any money to the state.

Yes, i am a student and i have income. I even have a Stipendium with that i am not allowed to make more than 10k/year lol.

You think it is possible to send my "original" amount of BTC (after i sold my alts) to coinbase, cash out and say i have hodld for 1+ year?

Unless you're doing multimillion dollar trades your gov probs won't care too much. That being said, they might notice, then decide to make an example but I doubt that'll happen.

Attached: shesreal.jpg (300x300, 15K)

- you have to gaims (and losses) declare crypto trades as income tax
- the problem is: even trading crypto for other cryptos is taxable. this can put you in the predicament that you may have made some good trades, e. g. in 2017's bull run, which are taxable. but you're still down because of the crash that followed after, possibly you wouldn't even be able to pay the taxes anymore. that's fucked up.
- however, if you buy an asset and hold it for more than a year, and the sell it, then it's exempt, i. e. not taxable.
- if you don't have complete documentation for everything you've done (as is likely, it's nigh impossible to keep track of everything if you're an alt trader) then the Finanzamt will probably fill the gaps with assumptions. those assumptions will benefit them more than you, most likely.

hope this helps.

How do you cash out as EU? I'd rather shoot myself in the head before I send my id to Binanace etc.

>this can put you in the predicament that you may have made some good trades, e. g. in 2017's bull run, which are taxable. but you're still down because of the crash that followed after, possibly you wouldn't even be able to pay the taxes anymore. that's fucked up.
(x) doubt
losses are deductable

>get accountant
>give him your trading history
>let him figure shit out

Alternatively, if you're a poorfag: literally talk to the finanzamt, it's not like in the us. They won't put you in jail or fine you, they'll actively help you figure the shit out.

Don't use Austrian Bank accounts to withdraw. Don't use Coinbase, Bitpanda, Bitstamp or other over compliant exchanges, don't use your crypto gains to live like a Nigger, get on Mindestsicherung. Problem solved

I was wondering about those assumptions for a while... basically they will declare all of your gains as fully taxable when they do this, right?
Can I tell them to do so instead of going through the thousands of trades my bots did?

yeah and here is my problem
i don't have history for all my trades.
I made from 2k -> 20k in bullrun 2017
20k -> 4k in bear 2018
now i'm at 9k

i guess i will have to figure out a way to cash out that 9k and put it in again. Then i will track everything with blockpit or some shit if anybody got question after i made my million in the golden bull run
Connect your exchange via API
Add off exchange trading via hand

BOOM, done
Vienna and Graz have some good Steuerberater specialized on crypto. 1-2 sessions should be worth the money.

Ooooh just saw the other posts.
user I was 1:1 in your shoes. Will reply later. Just woke up.

only when they’re realized losses tho

thanks user

Fellow austro user here, your bank only asks above 100k or so. We still have privacy so don't worry.

make a business in another EU country with a lower tax and pay it.

Fucking loser. Should have joined the linkmarines. I did the same as you but went from 4k to 71k today. Daddy Sergey cares for his cumsluts.

not in the shithole I live in

nevermind, 10k is not much. I thought you were talking about huge sums of money.

Hör zu Franz
Alles ab 10k auf einmal oder in kleinerem Abstand ist kritisch. Immer nur 2-3k auszahlen, das hinterfragt keiner.
Tausch alles in BTC, warte 1 Jahr und sag du hast gehodlt.
Du kannst auch verschiedene BTC Automaten für die Auszahlung nutzen, der in Linz zB verlangt bis zu 500€/Tag keinen Identitätsnachweis. Zieht aber glaub ich 7% Gebühr ein, dafür hast du es Cash und ohne Bank dazwischen. Solange du keine Millionen machst (mit 2k investment 2017 unwahrscheinlich) sollte das eine gute Option sein

Cash Beträge (~5k/monat) kannst du auch ohne Probleme auf dein Konto Einzahlen (“omas geburtstagsgeld“)

>omas geburtstagsgeld von Coinbase Inc.

Lern lesen du mongo, Cash=Bargeld das du vorher am btc Automaten geholt hast

Ich habe viel getradet und alles protokolliert ... habe aber verlust gemacht .. also alles mit verlust verkauft .. und um clean zu sein habe ich nur direkt käufe über anycoindirect gmacht und werde auch nur direkt verkaufen.

Mei bank hat auch bei 12 k nicht gefragt, habs mitn banker beim gespräch angesprochen, er meint dass sie nix weitergebn, nur wenn sie aufgefordert werdn. Bei uns kleinvieh interessierts eh keinen.

Arbeite selbst bei einer Bank, was dir der Typ am Schalter sagt stimmt nicht, auch wenn er das vielleicht glaubt, Beträge ab 10k werden grundsätzlich angesehen (teilw. nichtmal in der Filiale sondern in der Zentrale)
Passiert sowas einmal is wurscht, passiert sowas öfter ist jede Bank verpflichtet das weiterzumelden. Evtl bekommt man dann mal einen Brief vom Finanzamt wo man erklären muss woher das Geld kommt, wenn man eine plausible Erklärung hat gibts eh keine Probleme

ok so you already made gains in 2017 while you got Studienbeihilfe.
For 2017 you already should have declared your Steuerausgleich.
Same with me here
In case you made way more over 11k?€ you must pay back the amount above.
Am I correct?

Did you trade via exchanges only?
If so, do they have API?
Again, cointracking,info will save you a shitton of time.
They have the OPTI method which really really nicely "kills" all your gains, and therefore taxes, by matching the worst possible trades.
Which is allowed in austria as long as you have proof of these transactions.

If you want to be clean, dopn't try to work around stuff or getting clean by "assuming" things.