Red pill me on 0xbtc

Is this shit good or no

It went up like 2x in the last week

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it is one of the few crypto projects i know of that is absolutely legit and straightforward in terms of what it does and how the tech works. there is no need to trust anybody. it is nothing more or less than the algorithm of bitcoin ported to ethereum with all the benefits that being an erc20 provides.

its another shitcoin with artificial mining

Unlike other tokens nobody owns 30% of all the tokens

2k OxBTC holder here. Never been been more stable in my life, wife loves me because I’m never staring at the charts fapping to roasties on biz, pastor loves all my free time I spend volunteering at church, kids love me coaching the ayso soccer team my twins play on... holding this coin has changed my life. I’m not longer addicted to gambling either. I know it’s going nowhere and it’s Ok. I still have crypto but without the stress of losing everything because it’s at the bottom and will stay here forever thanks to the fgpa miners.

>artificial mining
please explain what you mean.

the mining serves no purpose but as a distribution mechanism.
The 0xbitcoin runs on the ethereum blockchain.

it serves the purpose of enforcing digital scarcity and signifying belief in value.

>That's exactly the point

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About to buy 7k of them rn, just wondering if I can catch a quick x2 and domp eet

i hold a lot of this and i think it will make me rich but i would not say it's good for a quick buck

Fpbp, it just is what it is without scammy devs able to exit scam at some point

It's all the bad things boomers think about bitcoin except they're true eg. That the mining is pointless.

i think you just don't understand value. the mining signifies belief in the value that the system (how the contract works, the properties of erc20, ethereum, etc) provides. so it is not pointless, it is a powerful signal of belief.


thanks for the discussion. i think it's clear which point of view in this argument is associated with a relatively healthy and reasonable mentality

Kek. At this point the FUD is funny, everyone who saw the light of 0xBTC will be rewarded very soon. A lot of smart people mocked this token, be proud of yourself for “getting it”

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You must have no idea how mining works. I would love for you to tell me how the mining is fake because I'm going to shoot down every single point you try to make with solid and verifiable evidence
Try me

Based and redpilled

this coin is the next link, cap if you want, this shit is fucking genius

its the next link except its market cap is like 1M so it can actually do a 10000x.

0xcate was better. They airdropped tokens for dubz, that was some evil mastermind marketing stunt.

Give us back 2018 already