Serious /thread

How can coonbase get away with listing obvious unregistered securities?
EOS, XLM, ZRX, XRP, Link, BAT Ect.

Aren't they opening themselves up for litigation?

Attached: 1530606926475.jpg (684x1024, 58K)

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Bump I even THOT posted for you FAGs

Been wondering this too. Would be funny if they restricted access to burgers to those tokens.

They do in New York

Link with mainnet is a functioning utility token.
Think you're smarter than the Serge?
Timing is everything

Bittrex & polo have been delisting a bunch of icos even with mainnet

>utility token
this is a meme, stop believing in memes! I'll even find the article where the SEC said 'utility tokens' are securities if you want. You clearly don't have a grasp of securities regulations!

Yeah the regulators bent the knee.

Try and keep up

Bittrex. There's a name i haven't heard since 2017

I literally dont care, im not a burger.
I own a fuckload of LINK and linkpool, i dont gaf what your nanny jews say about LINK