Just bought 25btc worth of ETH

Just bought 25btc worth of ETH.

Did I mess up, guys?

Attached: ethereum-logo.png (1980x900, 37K)

short term yes, (1-3 weeks)
long term fuck no

Will I gain in the next 1 week?

I just want to make some cash and get the fuck back to BTC, the big papa

why would you ask this board what to do with 250,000 dollars lmao

I dunno lol

Can you send me 2 Eth please, good sir?


Also this

Wtf is wrong with you?

buy 1 BTC worth of FTM and cash out 25 BTC in 30 days

Depends on plasma&sharding.

I agree with this user

I just bought 0.1 ETH for fun because I thought this crypto stuff would be a wild ride. I just did some more reading up and I'm shitting my pants now. Is the IRS going to throw me in a cage with Tyrone for doing this?

The jews already put you in the cage for buying an altcoin. You are just temporarily knocked out and dreaming while your brown hole is being used by Tyrone.

>short term - maybe no (irrational uninformed market)
>long term - absofuckinglutely terrible move this shit is a trainwreck on wheels



imagine being this retarded

It's at the 1-year support.
It has triple bottomed here the times already within the last year.
It can either bounce again, but if it breaks through on the downside, that's gonna be a huge dip.
I'd have waited until then to buy desu.

If it bounces, I would get out.
But then you might miss alt season

idk bro got 5eth myself. i'm in a dilemma. already bleeding.

yes sell it immediately, it's a shitcoin that's going to double digits

WHY THE FUCK would you buy now when btc will shit the bed?

Uh, yeah. Imagine not rolling the dice on the most memeable crypto in years. Think of 100x'ing your 25 BTC, if you can even squeeze in 5% of that before it takes off.

Imagine not helping us literally get to the top 100 and making fucking headlines across the WORLD.

Calling all whales....

Attached: ZBUX.png (300x300, 90K)

No, this will at least 4x your sats

holy shit it's dumping HARD, way harder than BTC (which is itself hard dumping). what the FUCK did you do, OP?

>holy shit it's dumping HARD, way harder than BTC (which is itself hard dumping)
cmc has weird results because they include Korean upbit, which has btc 6% higher than the rest

Attached: 1555743488433.png (327x46, 4K)

nice argument bagholder

wise more