What will the psychological effects of missing another biz moon mission be for you?

biz tells you to buy CHX

biz tells you to buy LTO

biz tells you to buy QNT

biz tells you to buy LIT

>biz shills TAO

Missing all these moonmissions isn't good for you lad.

Buy TAO now before it's 5 times more expensive in 2 weeks.

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Fook off with your scam mate. Dead shitcoin

OP right now

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This is being shilled aggressively...

Like LIT. Torn between buying a bag and calling op a jeet

why not both sir?

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Better make me rich

Have you not invested in Bryce Weiner coins before? Never ends well

Chromia is what you should be considering, but eh, you won't listen.

There's literally no volume. Where are you guys buying this?

Alt market you can buy. Get in now before fanmix launches as it’ll be pumping Tao in order to stake tokens for IAOs

TAO could see another +100% overnight. Volume will rise like crazy soon once marketing really kicks in

Remember when TAO was delisted from their only exchange?

Remember when the only way to trade TAO was through their discord OTC?

Remember when Bryce abandoned you guys for a while as he went off to start his next scam project?

Remember when he promised you alt exchange months before it's actual delivery?

Remember when he promised TAO would be on alt exchange initially?

Remember when



delisted like XRB was?


We're making an insane comeback. Anything is possible in this games

It's an established biz shill now. The token will be pumped with the inception of fanmix. Great opportunity

fanmix and project X create the constant buy pressure which is ramping the price

Tokens with products and buy pressure tokenmodels are everything

2017 pajeetcoin, avoid at all costs.

You're looking at the next Sergey Nazarov memelord son

TAO is back from the dead. Everyobe knows us again now. Get in now before x 5

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hahahahaha, i'll believe it when i see it. thanks to bryce's incompetance i managed to snap up a diamond for a little under 1 BTC. if it moons it moons, if bryce fucks up yet again i'll still have a good laugh

Such a low mcap now it can only go up

Ive sold some of my recent btc gains to put into crazy moonshots

I missed alot of moonmissions
I also thought I was going to moon but the rocket crashed
I dont even miss out on missing out
Got my stacks, hodling and accumulating till I got a 100k, fuck it

Last few days was horrible too, big stacks are in XMR and BTC. Im still on the same goddamn level. cryptogods hate me.

I love how bryce tweets his feelings

Its good to see he's showing the world his energy

>biz recommends shitcoin that crashes
>biz recommends shitcoin that crashes
>biz recommends shitcoin that crashes
>biz recommends shitcoin that crashes
>>biz recommends shitcoin that moons

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