I am financially ruined

thanks biz

Attached: 1561460151933.png (1072x975, 236K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would you buy that fucking shitcoin OP
He's a fraud, has always been and will always be

do it faggot

Attached: bkys.png (1000x211, 20K)

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now

Attached: cswright-vigyaapan08.png (696x387, 296K)

why are you thanking us for?
Do you see anybody shilling that crap here?

No problem

its been shilled non stop the last couple of weeks

By pajeets.
You are supposed to see through that. Get the facts.
Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

Attached: SmartSelect_20190406-091811_Brave.jpg (1065x1034, 436K)

shoulda bought UND. binance soon.

I had no idea how bad it really is

Attached: nchain3.png (225x287, 17K)

bitcoin cash abcdefag?

i should have never fomo'ed in this absolute SHITCOIN, literally traded all my btc for bsv. this australian fucktard better delivers on his promises, really angry right now. Not only that i missed the btc high i was waiting for over 1 year, but also that this ABSOLUTE SHITCOIN now has even lost in sats. "The real bitcoin"....myass. SIGN ALREADY FAGGOT so this garbage pumps to 1000+. Craig is the Ultimate Retard.

Just came into the thread to say these are great. Jow Forums has some talented artists. Also, Bitcoin [word or initials] will always be a scam. Always.

I fell for the scam too fren

Attached: 83a[1].png (528x321, 133K)

Most pajeet shit to ever have been shilled


sad for you, but if even if he could sign ..it would only destroy the market.
you are the type of autistic incel who cant understand "NO ONE WILL EVER INVEST IN CREG". No one likes him nor trust him....there will never be a situation in which bsv moons, it would only set the entire crypto space back 10 years and we would enter into a darkage of Libra and AmazonCoin

one meg greg btfos creg once again

It’s over creg blight is finished

Attached: 2BB65A4A-485B-4C0D-AAB2-564D36DBD10A.png (680x315, 135K)

From a scale from 10 to 10: how stupid are you?

>taking investment advice from BIZ

Attached: FUN.png (1074x742, 47K)

Dude get out fast , we been telling for months than every point he mades is retarded propaganda, fucking hell petabyte size blocks already should scare.

Get out or lose everything pic related

Attached: BSVSHILL.jpg (1186x407, 107K)

you know its really unfair we're going to get blamed for this one...

At the start I was explaining how it's a scam in at least one point a day.
After a while it was feeling impossible anyone can read these shills and think they could actually be Jow Forumsraelis. So I stopped.
When a shill thread slipped trough my filter I politely reminded OP to include one of the commonly filtered strings when making a thread.
Sorry your IQ is in the 95-110 range, OP.

i fell for the fun meme too. and vechain. maybe this ponzi scheme is not for me.

How can you be financially ruined in a Bull market, are you like mentally challenged or something?

by not buying bitcoin...

Literally everything is crashing right now retard.

How can you fall for all these scam shitcoins? You should have just listened to Assblaster and bought Chainlink and Coinmetro. Remember to use signup code Salt.

It has Satoshi Inside!

Attached: tonevay.png (458x453, 267K)

sir creg stoped paying me

Attached: 863DF743-7D0B-49FA-8FB6-263F73C4B634.jpg (630x403, 59K)

Take a good look at this chart, Linkies. This is your future.

比特币 Bitcoin SV 真的 BSV 比特币SV是真正的比特币 Bitcoin SV is the real bitcoin 克雷格*赖特 Craig Wright 僵硬 The Stiffening 基克流 Kikestream 克雷格*赖特是中本聪 Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto 郁金香信托 Tulip trust 有偿的先令 Paid Shills 民運 Demoralization 发布 Pajeetposting 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-Glownigger system 台灣 臺灣 911 Inside Job 资本主义不是无政府主义-资本主义 Capitalism not Anarcho-Capitalism 梅格格雷格 1 meg greg 资金 Axa Funding Blockstream 无限块大小 Unlimited Blocksize 图灵完成 Turing Complete 生活在区块链上 There is AI Living on the Blockchain 聪视觉 Satoshi Vision 一半 Halvening 唐纳德 特朗普 Donald Trump 高智商 179 IQ 大甩卖 The Big Fat Dump of May 21st 2020 乡绅矿业 Squire Mining 元网 Metanet 福斯特教授 ProfFaustus 他是免费的 He Does It For Free 他僵了 He Stiff 基于和重新填充 Based & Redpilled 他妈的 Fuck blockstream 他妈的 Fuck Jow Forumsbtc 逆势 /u/Contrarian__ 维基解密是一个骗局 Wikileaks is a Scam 每日剂量 Daily Dose 比特币核心 Bitcoin Core 犹太互联网防卫队 Blockstream Internet Defense Force 一个他妈的1mb的帽子 A Fucking 1mb cap 屠龙者行动 Operation Dragonslayer 现金 Bcash 比特币聪愿景将获胜 BSV will win 不是广告客户友好 Not Advertiser Friendly 配音 Dubs 检查一下 Check em 希特勒没有做错任何事 Hitler Did Nothing Wrong 惩教署 CSW 格雷格,你没事吧? Greg are you okay? 轻拍 Dabbed on 假新闻 Fake news 比特币 BitCoin

Great pic