>graduated from vet school
>just ordered a Tesla model 3
>getting married in a few months, trying for a child
>30 bitcorns
Who else /makingit/?
>graduated from vet school
>just ordered a Tesla model 3
>getting married in a few months, trying for a child
>30 bitcorns
Who else /makingit/?
>26 yo
>neet with crippling procrastination
>2001 honda civic
>opiate addicted
>0.32 btc to his name
>amazing girlfriend
I'd say I'm kinda on the way
I envy you
>>graduated from vet school
>>just ordered a Tesla model 3
Absolutely fucking fail.
>>getting married in a few months, trying for a child
Even worse.
Set your fucking priorities straight. Also don't be a faggot and buy a car with a naturally aspirated engine.
almost 28
NEET indentured servant to family's business
haven't talked to irl girl since 2010
have a BS in Biology (emphasis on BS)
feelin' real weird lately
thinking about lifting boxes & scanning packages for a living
went out of my way to ignore everything about crypto even though I had many opportunities to learn about it over the past several years
>air traffic controller for 3 years
>have a seat leon
>gf that loves me
>11k link bought at ico
>turning 28 in a week
A boomer here.
-- was a Vietnam vet school?
No job
No gf
Live in ghetto
800 link
How fucked am I?
One of those Anti electric vehicle nuts?
Tesla model 3 is a great car
no gf
Live in Crimea
400 link
Jow Forums
no job
no GF
Going to University
1k link
work casually as a bartender to keep social
no gf
27 BTC (got in early 2017)
>bought 100 BTC when it was 13$ each in early 2013
>No one knows except me
>If BTC goes to 100k, I will unironically make it even after taxes
>Have a good job and get paid 90k a year
Tard wrangler
140k link
Have gf, non virgin
>mfw 0.4 BTC
>currently no job (been a while)
>no college
>150 lbs
>long-term relationship
>500+ ETH
>USD in bank
>submitted phd thesis last week
>2 first-author publications in high impact journals this year
>scored a postdoc at an amazing high tech facility, starts in 6 months
>12k link and a small amount in other random shitcoins like BTC
>kinky poly relationship w/ 2 girls, will have to leave them behind when I go overseas unfortunately
Life is great
>lost job
>kicked out of parents place (lived there two weeks)
>no car
>no gf
>no link
H-heh, you call that a Just?
>play underground poker games
>bought condo in heart of city from past bull run
>500k in crypto
Jesus Christ
what the actual fuck is this?
>graduated from med school
>cash out milli in the last bull market
>two kids
>physician wife
>I practice occasionally
>spend time with kids
try to cash it out lol
>she doesn't even imagine how much I am worth, kek!
>Q/A engineer
>addicted to various substances
>sell some so that my addictions dont cost much
>tfw no gf
>12k link
i have a shitty life but posts like yours make me feel better about myself, so thanks
yw, hope things improve for you
>halfway through linguistics major
>no car
>no job
>no gf and the only gf I had tried to stab me with a knife
>332 linkies + 0.48 ETH, that's it
Ah yeah and I live in Brazil
nice greentext faggot
what opiates user,
Kinda same boat except im compelled to drink like a trooper and smoke lots and lots of weed. Then go through periods of complete abstenance.
>I've been in better shape, still stocky and a dab hand in a bar fight.
>boozer, trying to chill with this for a decade now, go through periods of abstenance (most recent was 6 months), its 11:30am and im sat sipping single malt whiskey.
>same to be said about weed, go through periods of hammering it.
>halfway through a electronics degree, second time at doing second year, feel like im flunking it again...
>have a decent stack in stocks and crypto, about £40k combined.
>peugeot partner.
>decent girlfriend who puts up with alot of my shit, her family super loving even though im generally just a spinning ball of chaos.
what field of study are you in
sounds pretty exciting
>no car, can't drive becuz my head is fucky
>8 BTC
I'm okay desu
Don't want to dox myself too much but nanomaterials chemistry, broadly. It is pretty exciting, imo - you know that quote "born too late to explore the world, to early to explore the galaxy", but it's just the right time to be exploring the nanoscale.
>trying for a child
kek, have seckz
>Getting married in a month
>101 link
>0.2 eth
>industrial controls technician
>0.73 BTC
>no gf
>sad and don't know what I want out of life
How is having a child making it? I'd rather travel and have a child in my mid 30s
Your future.
This is what happens when you fall for the memes
>Single father
>No college
>Crappy job
>No future
>2k linkies
>Not gonna make it bois
>didn't finish highschool
>got into University but dropped out this year
>Quit job that paid 70K a year in March, currently unemployed
>Put 130K USD in SQQQ, bet on tech stocks shitting the bed
>Drive a BMW (paid 22k for it back in 2018, kinda regret not having that investment capital now)
>Sold my other car for 3K
>Living very frugally off the 3K for now until I make it or go bust
>no gf
I took an inflatable boat down to the river today and tied the boat to a bridge and let the current rock me back and forth. Was really relaxing.
>getting married
Oh dear.
Enjoy your toastie, and I don't mean the gf.
Don't care Musk is still a reddit personality nigger
>I took an inflatable boat down to the river today and tied the boat to a bridge and let the current rock me back and forth. Was really relaxing.
That sounds lovely. GL user.
>still haven't finished universtiy
>still living with parents
>never had gf
>have five figures in crypto
>ambivalent life
>hoping to make it and flee away
>Electrical degree
>Work as Technician at Tesla
>No gf
>Not fat
>92k Link
Damn, i'm pretty well off
>28 years
>never had a gf
>have multiple mental health issues
>currently receiving neetbux in my home country
>never finished university
>0.2 BTC
>have 35k in bank
>too scared to invest more in this manipulated market
dude you 23, like you have your entire life ahead of you, just chill win-stan, your at the perfect point in your life to start building towards something.
>dropped out of HS, got GED
>did semester of community college but stopped because couldnt do it and my job
>work at dairy
>no gf
>7 eth
>900 BAT
>1500 xlm
>2001 honda civic hybrid that breaks down
>live with grandparents who are getting ready to die
>severe alcoholic for past 8 years
>heavy drug user until past year
>smoke 2 packs of cigs a day
>bipolar schizophrenic
>want to quit job to take time to get better
>have to work job in order to keep money in crypto holdings
>been poor my whole life and feel like I will die poor
put that money into ADA and LINK, you have nothing to lose
That's beautiful
My ducks are in a row
Too comfy
why you quit and what was the job
>21 yo
>only leave my room once a week
>0.02 btc
>kissless virgin
I don't feel so good
Recently failed uni
No gf, no frens
Living in northern europe middle of nowhere
Could be better desu
>life is a wreck
>b-but my amazing gurlfriend
-30 btc
-Making 100k + bonus
-Gf also makes 100k+ and bought crypto with me
-Side hustle makes $500-1000 a month completely passively now
-6'0 180lbs Jow Forums
Gonna make it
Except the guy with 100btc. He's already made it.
Currently sitting at 8.6 myself
>business school
>my own nice appartment
>0 BTC
-1500€ FIAT
They put me in a managerial position but I'm introverted as fuck and I hated it.
I asked for more money and they knocked me back, so I said fuck it and quit.
>halfway towards a meme undergrad degree in bioengineering
>2001 honda accord
>30k+ in student loans
>90k crypto portfolio 0 cash
>currently seeing 18 y/o virgin but feel like pedo and she's dumb as bricks
>i want to die
>getting married
never gonna make it
>Business owner, digital marketing space
>have 10k Link Stack and some Eth, Gold Stocks
>No drugs, Jesus delivered me
>Married to hot waifu, kid on way, going to have a huge White family
>Giant house in the suburbs, only 29 and by far the youngest in my neighborhood
>Plenty of guns & hobbies
God unironically changed my life, I was a heroin addict 10 years ago.
Get a haircut, hit the gym, take zinc, quit porn, and listen to hardcore music that makes you want to punch people. Confidence can be created
>a virgin
And on top of this you are 25 top kek. Just blast that pussy you perv.
I felt the same, if you're nervous about Crypto then just invest 5k for now. I just said fuck it and put the rest of my inheritance money into crypto because it's just going to sit in bank doing fuck all if i don't do something with it.
See in you singularity town brother
pussy id love to have 35k to invest
>finished high school with good grades
>got jumped in college by people who i had been friends with for a year
>quit college
>developed massive anxiety problems
>never got a college degree which is my biggest regret
>hot american latino gf who is staying with me rn
>slight alcohol problem
>trying to read more and paint/write
>drive a 19yr old Volkswagen
>just invested the rest of my inheritance because fuck it
>waiting for gains becuase i REALLY wanna fucking make it
>feeling okay about life, trying to conquer my mental health
>in school
>working over the summer
>have very little (~500) to put into crypto
>have no idea what to throw it into
ill be working full time at the start of 2020 but i think that might be too late
>29 years old
>Mechanical Engineering degree
>Only own 20 year old sportscars
>Never had a gf, months away from wizardry
>80% of net worth is tied up in magic internet bean coins
>STEM PhD, $200k job (hours too long but saving a lot)
>great gf who I'm proud to be with
>0 BTC
>bored of life whenever I'm alone
Doing well on paper but it doesn't feel like it
hence we find comfort in substance abuse, one form or another.
Yeah I waste a lot of time on the internet. Glad I don't have easy acccess to drugs though
>graduating with MS in EE in a year
>20k Link
count your blessings marines
- 27 years old
- quit 3 sales jobs in 3 years and made good money
- paid off all debts
- lost 40k in crypto
- have 1 btc, 1250 Link
- 8k in the bank
- doing my own side project
Feels ok but going all in on Link at this point.
>college dropout cause no money
>now army cause no social skills to find a decent job without a degree
>good healthcare
>no car
>literal kissless virgin, never ever gf or friends
>.0028 BTC
I think i’ll recover eventually
>own small business making about 100k a year
>work from home 60% of the time
>going to coding bootcamp to learn how to code so i can start a new freelance business
>own home but have 220k in mortgage debt
>just bought a used car for 17k no interest 50k miles from brother in law
>1.2 btc, 1500 link
pretty fortunate i guess. start a small insurance brokerage. it's recession proof and a high cash business
> 32 yrs old
> 6 figures in bank, 4 figures in crypto
> drive mercedes
> living alone
> well built, but girls are disgusted by my face.
got bullied by girls in high school and in college, never had a gf. not a virgin though, if sex with condom counts.
feels bad man.
>22 yo
>IT sysadmin for a big corp, ~27k$ job, pay good enough to put some bucks aside each months
>1.9k link, 0.35 BTC
>Dropped alcohol and smoke, started getting Jow Forums
>Planning to get back to studying two more years to reach engineer level
I feel like I'm going to make it, but there's much to improve before it's done
>senior strategist (advertising)
>AUD$11K credit card debt
>still climbing out of the unemployment/supporting gf hole of last 6 months
>just broke up with gf
>0.33BTC inc 900 LINK
>a beer or two a night, get pissed once a week
>smoke bongs everyday
>Lost 40k in crypto
How did you lost that much ?
>good gf for 5 years+
>fucking hate my job
>1.2 BTC, 28 ETH, buying more every month
Feel like not making it, ever.
>Tesla model 3
Have fun burning to death in a crash.
you have my dream job
you made it.
Are you shredded? Just get ripped in the gym and eat smart and land a solid 6 or 7 wife.
>1.2 BTC, 28 ETH, buying more every month
youre gonna make it. i have like .2 eth and no btc and even i have hope
You're an IT sysadmin and only make $27k/year??? Dude you should find a better company. I got hired at a call center for $42k/year one time. There's a lot of jobs out there, I know nothing about Sysadmin but it sounds like min pay should be 35-40/yr
.5 buttcorns
1000 MAN
1000 OT
16000 VET
28k Index Funds
15k Savings
78k mortgage
It hurts friends... I just want to make it. I want to retire early, enjoy my short time on this earth, and live a modest life with a family.
Kys child hating faggot. Do you want the world to be overran by shitskins and kikes?
I truly hope that we're both gonna make it user.
Thank you
>soon 21
>in med school
>9/10 girlfriend who also helps me financially
>currwntly 25 links waiting for my next paycheck to buy more
because normies be norming it up
>education, career, home ownership(mortgage till you die 9/10) family and a little $ on the side
if you got that, then you 'made' it.
200 lbs, about 20% body fat
been at 15% but it doesn't help if your face is shit.
buggy eyes, large nose, underdeveloped jaw, large overbite, women can't hide disgust in their faces when they see me.
>drop out
>said FUCK NIGGERS the other day, got 7 (you)s
>Saw my OC get reposted
>make an user reply "kek" to my post
Who /makingit/ ?
would you say you look better at higher bf%?
>physics degree (but literally no jobs for it here)
>no car
>2.34 BTC, 7 ETH
But I live in Jazeera (45 mins from Muqdisho)