My personal idiocy

I bought 1000 LINK at 0.36 average. I can't believe what I fool I was for not doing my utmost to accumulate at least 10k. It will haunt me forever just as not mining BTC does.

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only 20k for 10k. 1k eoy

I don't have that kind of money, I'm just a poor student.

I only bought 500 at 0.6 average so I'm even worse off.

I know right. I had enough for 120k but wrote it off as a scam

I bought 176 at 0.37 and then sold half at 0.60

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You're a retard for not seeing that it'll get to $50+ and then you'll want to kill yourself even more desu

Imagine you bought none

I bought 25,000 at $2.49
so, you know
it's whatever

Balls of steel.


Try being me...

>Bought 3000 at $0.40 in early 2018
>Held a year + after the dump
>Sold it all except 500 for a loss a few months ago to pay debts
>Tried swinging it into IOE turds
>Now have none

Absolute JUST.

My saving grace is you'll all think I'm larping

I bought 40k Chainlink during manic episode during November-January

I felt fucking bad for spending 80% of my savings for months but now feel pretty comfy now...

>i can't believe i didn't get ETH at 50 cents. now that it's 3$ i can't bring myself to buy more. i will always regret this and hate myself for it
this is you

I bought the first day LINK started trading and I'm still buying. Anyone who thinks it's too expensive right now is a fucking cuck.

I have 4k. Soon i have to use some of my gains for a flight and vacation.

350K Link avg. ~20cent

I don't have any money.

My average buy in is 39c.
I want to DCA, but I also want to brag to people once I'm a millionaire that I bought all of my chainlink at sub-$1.

Well spend less time worried about how you didn't/can't spend the money you didn't/don't have and more time trying to acquire some.

So it's still a million dollars at the very minimum.

Just stock pile money now, don't buy any chainlink. Make sure nothing can possibily happen that would force you to sell your linkies.

Tell NO one about your linkies.
We are in this together friend :)

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Not investing in something isn't the same as losing money. New opportunities pop up all the time OP

$1k is LARP..
Lucky to reach $10 by EOY

1k EOY is fud actually

>520 days ago...

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it's okay OP and to those that missed out
you're still fine
pic related

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>ID = Cuck 2 go

$1k EOY confirmed FUD

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