I actualize market trends by stepping back from reality and reaching between thoughts. Gonna be a 7g to sort out this mess.
Who here /shroomtrader/
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I'm /coketrader/
I have to watch out that i don't enter schizo power hour because then i could delete gains for good and let all of you down. You are stories I've created to occupy my eternal existence and my sanity depends on believing you exist for each narrative life time. If i cause too great a disruption it will break apart and I have to face the reality that there is no universe, just one subjective that exists alone never ending.
You aren't in this universe alone, we all share a collective consciousness, as we all have the spirit of God within us. Every improvement is shared, as is every loss. Buy LINK.
Unironic /currytrader/ here
The high I get from quality home made indian curry makes every day fun and happy :D
cool, let us know what u find out
How the fuck i finna buy LINK when it looks like this. I've snapshotted a picture from my eyes to beam to the subcompartment of my mind that controls you. I'm sorry i gave you the cuck fetish behaviour.
I've now deleted these anons and hope that pulling their coins out of circulation gets us back track.
No dude you're not the only subjective experience here. I swear I'm experiencing qualia right now
Of course you'd say that you fucking P-bobo. I've pulled into the space between thoughts and out of time, there may be endless other subjectives but we all occupy our own existences never to meet, dreaming eternally.
Well I mean, what do you want? To simultaneously inhabit the same subjective experience as someone else? That's paradoxical
Based and voidpilled
To touch and feel another mind, we don't know the limits of possibility except for that you will never make it.
Nice trips but there's a reason your id is pink and mine is golden
I think you'll find otherwise component. I can will dubs, trips, quads or even quints into reality.
I bought my LINK stack 2 years ago tripping balls on acid
I do not regret my decision
>To touch and feel another mind, we don't know the limits of possibility
you're not wrong my friend
consciousness is a kaleidoscope cascade of synchronicity
>push the envelope
>watch it bend
Pic related shows my crypto performance, red arrows indicate instances of taking LSD.
Conclusion: each time you drop acid you switch between profitable and unprofitable timelines.
If I ever do acid again we will return to an icy bear market until I take it yet again, then we'll go bull.
>when I change myself I change the world
LSD helps me think about the long term and switch back to a careless hodl mode(and stop checking marketcap every day).
shrooms would make trading and speculation feel dirty asf. If I tripped as hard as you I'd probably give everything away before wandering naked in the nearest forest.
yeah this. when I'm tripping I don't want to think about money. possessions are the last thing on my mind. plus, if I were even able to trade on 300ug LSD/5g p.subs I'd be doing 'it' (it being consumption to avoid tolerance) wrong anyway.
taking meth during the bull market on the other hand...win win.
You're on another level man. Go make your dreams reality.
I cant take any psychadelics anymore because I overdid it in college and now have major disassociation issues
i micro dose shrooms during the week to trade