Literally every other coin is getting JUSTed hard except for LINK
I’m scared guise what is happening
What the FUCK is going on with LINK
Other urls found in this thread:
FTM is pumping fren, not all alts are dumping
You had two years
Is it already too late to get into link?
What do you think this board has been talking about for the past two years?
Academics pls respond
Think about it this way. People will be kicking themselves for not buying link under 100$ a few months from now.
I don’t think so I feel like LINK must be disgustingly undervalued right now considering recent news
It's the one, if you hold Link you are blessed. Give back to those in need Marines.
You'll be asking the same thing after we hit $5 if you don't get in now.
We should be at 35b mcap so we're doing shitty atm ngl senpai
linky do a stinky
>tfw LINK could reach 3 bucks by the weekend
My salary's still on Monday. Only enough to buy me 130 links if it ever reaches $3.
That is the problem. I mean, I only discovered link now and plan to accumulate once I get my salary. If it hits $5, then I could barely accumulate anything. I wish I was a computer nerd, my brain is just so pathetic...
Pls God pls
>block 478
The exit from BTC is underway.
>every other coin is getting JUSTed hard except for LINK
nothin' personal kid...
>LINK must be disgustingly undervalued right now considering recent news
I dropped another $14,000 into LINK all the way down to 16k satoshis after this news came out and it dumped
was simply a no brainer
>pic related
>replace ETH with LINK to see what's coming
>was simply a no brainer
>pic related
anons, come on already, just buy LINK and ride out 2019/2020 with us
>it's a no brainer
>I blow the brains outta yo miiiiind
>and I ain't talkin' 'bout physically
>I'm talkin' 'bout mentally
>yuh yuh yuh
The flippening
link is a scam. 1 person owns all the supply, so its easy for price to move up... they pay pajeets to spam biz 24/7 + dp fake partnerships to get ppl to buy... it's a scam. nits not a decentralized oracle.
This. Insanely bullish news all week long but price action has been suppressed while investors were busy riding the BTC mooncoaster. Now that that shit is over, people are starting to realize what the oracle and coinbase news are about. Especially in the context of most alts dying in the next 2 months because they are Binance-only shitcoins, LINK is looking like safe pick for the alt season that is just around the corner.
low effort fud like this won't keep the redditors away marine. Put some fucking EFFORT in next time!
too much hype right now... let Link cool down before buying. will be back below $2 soon
>it's a no brainer
Chainlink is initiating the next golden bull run.
Bitcoin did it in 2013
ETH did it in 2017
Now Chainlink.
And considering that Chainlink is about to make crypto actually useful in the real world, there's no telling what will happen.
>Bitcoin did it in 2013
>ETH did it in 2017
>Now Chainlink.
My linkies will stay stinky
wtf is happening guys, a sergey'hawk flied over my house
>$100 invested on 5/21/2019 after 2 years is worth how much in year 2021
Definitely not anywhere near $135k. Take a quick look at BTC, ETH and link market caps and it becomes obvious that the room for similar gains is out of reach.
>room for similar gains is out of reach
Now apply this logic to the market caps of Bitcoin and ETH before they mooned.
Perspective, user.
ChainLink whitepapers assume it should be 0.45$ to be usable
People buy this shitty token >0.45$
you guys deserve to be poor
sergey is a famous scammer and he is jew
Everything has limitations... It follows Bitcoin's market cap.
A 10x is top 5.
>ChainLink whitepapers assume it should be 0.45$ to be usable
Alt Season is about to become LINK season. All that liquidity is being absorbed by LINK because most of the trading bota are abandoning alts.
There will be no alt season, only LINK season.
>A 10x is top 5.
Right now, yes.
But to reach the top 5 at the top of the 2018 bull run would take about a x60 from Chainlink right now.
And that's without accounting for another bullrun where crypto as a whole goes to a new parabolic high.
Have some.
>it follows Bitcoin's market cap
In 2017 it was the other way around.
ETH sparked a general crypto bullrun, with Bitcoin following ETH.