>buy .01 btc at 13,000
>now 11,700
I’m fucking retarded.
Buy .01 btc at 13,000
nobody cares about your lunch money
But it’s all I have.
get more then
How? I’m a neet and this is all my neetbux.
>buy 0.02 BTC at 10000
>send to Bitmex to short 12000
>get liquidated
oh the humanity
No one can predict the market short term. Just hodl.
>buy btc at 13,000
why didnt you just buy 13000 dollars worth of zilliqa?
Kys poorfag
so you spent $130 and now are crying because you have 117?
sell buccy
No worries it will go up to 50k in a month
privileged inheritancefags trying to flex on OPs net worth lmao
Fuck u. It’s better than being a nocoiner.
if btc rallies to 100k you will have $1000....
That would be he most money I’ve ever had.
but it still won't be enough to make it with that amount and it won't change your life unless you live in a third world shithole in which case it might be worth a bit more.
my trips don't lie
I bought my first BTC at like $700 and it crashed to $500 i was fucking bumed
Don't fret fren. The most I've had at one time is $8000, I'm 24 and that was after 4 years of wageslaving 50+ hrs a week as a qualified chef. I ain't no liberal faggot but the reality is if you weren't born into money you'll struggle to make or hold it yourself. Crypto is basically our only shot, but even then there are greedy whales with millions that will dump on us for a few extra hundred if we aren't smart/alert enough. Just do your research and then some, spend plenty of time here each day (seems counter-intuitive I know) and get a job too. Pretty hard to turn $100 into $100,000.
>Pretty hard to turn $100 into $100,000
tfw it isn't 2010
not anymore lol
>Pretty hard to turn $100 into $100,000.
It's actually easy if you knew which coin. You literally had two years but you chose to ignore it.
Neets with large amounts of crypto > wage cucks with large amounts of crypto > No-coiners with careers > neets with fuck all in crypto
I'm all in and have been since January. Was the first coin I invested in since reentering crypto. I only wish I got in earlier.
>tfw 1k linklet