ITT we share tips to avoid crypto taxes

Did you know that if you have a wife, you could give her all your crypto holdings and she could keep all the money, without any of you needing to pay for the taxes? A trustworthy wife is all you need. I learned about this secret legal loophole watching this movie called the Shawshank Redemption, it's a bit ironic because the character who reveals it got cucked by his wife and then murdered her.

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Except he didnt murder her.Did get cucked big time though.

if anyone goes into crypto and pays taxes he must be retarded as fuck

>trusting any woman with your crypto ever

fake and gay. every transfer from crypto to usd or vice versa is taxable. no matter who withdraws, its taxed

New tax laws being introduced that tax the 1% enough where it doesn't affect them and no one else has to pay taxes

Get fukt kid no taxes ever again

So where to sell btc without kyc

Try cashing out a million dollars into your bank account and see what happens

The realized loss/gain would still be taxable. You can give it to your wife and not have to pay gift tax.

the jews are relentless

In Australia you an just keep your transactions under 10k and it doesn't get flagged. I know a guy who did it. Might get jailed or he might have just done an Occam's razor.

im never fucking cashing out

i've had my linkies for over a year so i am not sure what you mean when you mention crypto taxes
t. german

unironically and seriously please delete this. our government and taxation dept will only be this retarded and blind for so long.

1) Find a friend who runs his own business
2) Ask him to put you on his payroll
3) Pay him your payroll payout in cash monthly
4) ???
5) Profit!

Australia is gay I hate it, and I'm in the cold shithole of ballarat no jobs just shit

Your friend still has to account for that money which means he'd have to do some kind of money laundering, and anyway you have to cash into your own bank first.

did you know that a wife can ask legally to be paid by her husband?

There's no such loop hole, Schlomo.

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If you hang yourself you'll never need to cash out

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if i make 100$ small gains do i still have to pay taxes on that?

t. 18 yr old noob

yeah I'm starting to hate it here too. our one shot at getting out of this shithole would be crypto (though not many countries are looking much better). I'm in Brisbane, but came from Mildura and somehow found it a lot easier getting a job there (tiny desert town) than here kek.

He gets tax breaks from having additional employees so it benefits him. You will have to pay tax on the income he gives you, but it's a pretty safe way to cash out without paying.

Find someone on localbitcoin to sell to. Or pay your friend what you owe him in cash in crypto.

how cute...our little progressive is about to understand the world...its quite different when its your own money, huh?


At a certain point it costs the irs more money to go after you then the tax revenue would bring in so it doesn't make sense to chase the really small fish

Pay your taxes goy

Yes, welfare recipients are not going to pay for themselves

So I'm doing more trading than I used to. I don't understand how crypto taxes work. Can't I just calculate my net gain or loss and put that? I don't understand what a crypto to crypto taxable event is. Like I buy some shitcoins for a buck. That goes up to 5 bucks, I sell and collect 5 bucks. Or I buy 5 bucks of another shot coin. What do I put for taxes?

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Interesting, thank you.

true, as long as your wife is not an american citizen youre golden. now go look for a cute asian to spend the rest of your life with

low key i wouldnt pay that. Over 5k definitely, anything less than that and Uncle Sam wont care, he has bigger fish to fry. And those fish swing link

i just plan on just paying on the net gain thing. They can go fuck themselves with the crypto to crypto bullshit.

Move to Puerto Rico if you're a Burger?

Disclaimer: It's a shithole
Source: Me

Everyone complains about boomers but seriously Australian boomers are fucked. Dead machine npcs

taxation is jewish theft

It's simple: don't cash out through fiat exchanges like Coinbase. Either use crypto directly you redeem it with cash. Voila, you pay no taxes.

lol, why the fuck would you ever trade crypto for fiat!? what a faggot!

When LINK makes me rich I want to buy a house mortgage free. How would I go about stopping those those filthy jews from stealing a large portion of MY money. Britfag btw.

I can’t buy food with crypto


Get a crypto license or risk being arrested, bong.

you're not looking very hard, are you?

Keep everything on cold storage. Buy gift cards/spend bitcoin, dont cash out to fiat/a bank

Do yourselves a favour and find somebody local who you can buy and sell to. I trade all my crypto for pm’s and a bit of cash when it comes time to cash out and the government is none the wiser.

why would you 'buy' a house when you can airbnb indefinitely for less? and ubereats?

That's wrong though because you pay tax on each individual trade. You'd still need to pay taxes since it's considered a commodity.

fellow Germans, can I trust this infograph?
After 1 year I have to ay 0% taxes? No Einkommensteuer?

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Im from switzerland and keep all my gains no matter what
All i do is pay wealth taxes which is like 3k a year for 1million capital
Feels pretty good

Lol what $100/ day for something not shitty is 36,500 a year.. Way more than a house over any meaningful period

life must be easy as a neet poorfag where you can buy everything on a reloadable visa giftcard