How are you handling the stress of trading crypto in this market?

how are you handling the stress of trading crypto in this market?

pic related is my desk

Attached: 1519593258704.jpg (1746x2328, 1.08M)

a-are you okay there, user?


old pic. not your desk

i don't synchronize my clock, don't care about time

what a shit cunt

fuckin pathetic piece of shit

Nice try larper I’ve seen this image literally dozens of times over the years. Kys go get your own crippling opioid addiction.

Wtf is that

hope you're getting good shit user. I'm stuck with fentanyl for now because I'm an idiot that can't control his consumption (and therefore tolerance) and got sick of hitting 1.5g a day. Shit's fucking expensive here in Aus (actually everything is).

your pic is unironically giving me cravings for sweet lady h again though, straight fent has fuck all euphoria. might get a bag later tonight ty OP

Jesus Christ, get help user!

seriously. that desk is giving you cravings for something that guy consumes. you want to live the life the guy who took the picture is living.

I never fucked with heroin so I have some questions. Isn't that a lot to be sitting around on the desk and shit? Does it come in those fancy little packets that are everywhere and torn open?

Attached: 1560674270487.jpg (646x720, 23K)

Windows 7? Seriously?

no this is normal regular amount. in fact this was just my breakfast

don't ever touch a needle, fren. shit really does fuck you up to the point where just seeing one is enough.

yeah i was hesitating uploading this picture because im ashamed of my OS, but oh well. i know i need a chaneg in my life, will try my best to update to win10

lmao win10 cuck

That is the website's clock you imbecile

lmao windows cucks

Drink alcohol every night and lash out at gf about petty shit while wasted.

i'd unironically touch any drug ever before drinking alcohol.

t. not a teen