Why do people assume that when LINK is added to the coinbase trading platform that LINK will automatically increase in...

why do people assume that when LINK is added to the coinbase trading platform that LINK will automatically increase in value? there will be people selling their link for USD and other 'selling pressure'

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No bots
No chink whales
Have to pay tax for swinging

yes this is unironically the end anons dont get this
its all about the journey TO coinbase

With more buyers, and inability to manipulate, why would whales accept low prices
In my opinion, it why the manipulation has been high recently, they saw this coming

It’s not a normie coin, nobody in currently is looking for liquidity or will instantly get much liquidity in add. All it’ll do is expose more people to it. It’s much more likely to raise price than lower it.

its not aabout value you fucking monkey tier IQ nigger, coinbase is a recognizee exchange in the US and for them to endorse or allow a crypto to be traded is fucking huge for that crypto because it is actually validated by a fucking army of lawyers and a bunch of fucking highly placed people.
this will just continue to cement how fucking solid chainlink is, and create a massive ramp for its global adoption

you fucking summer fag go outside go to the beach and be laughed at by thots there instead of coming to my private office and spreg out. who do you think we are here? a bunch of neets?

Burgers can only buy link from cb after september, think about that

The year is 2022. Bitcoin has topped out at $250k. Coinbase userbase has 1000x'd and they're looking at other coins to put their money into. They see link. They buy. Link goes to the moon.

oh remind me what did coinbase did to BAT? did it go to the fucking moon? retards

coinbase cant even get the books started there is so little interest

>No bots
>No chink whales
>Have to pay tax for swinging

this, plus coinbase prime aka instituions.

Isn’t that a good thing?

Wow that was fast.
Discord trannies absolutely BTFO

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You can buy Link directly with fiat.

BAT is BAT. LINK is LINK. You're not dumb, do the math.

There are definitely bots on coinbase.

Private bots.
Not like Binance which is itself a bot.
Coinbase would get raped to death by the SEC if they tried to pull 1/1000st of what CZ pulls all the time.

He's right you know.

With binance not allowing new US users and all the media attention we have gotten, how do normies buy? Oh look this crypto is associated with google, let me invest. Checks coinmarketcap and realizes only decent place to buy it is binance. Tries to make an account and gets rejected. Now what??

lol. Bat was listed at a horrible time. Bat was just extremely unlucky.

Coinbase’s fees chart includes values up to $500mm

You had TWO years.

So basically, dump LINK until bitgroin hits six digits?


On Coinbase.

when does trading start? I got my Eth ready on Coinbase Pro

Is there still hope for BAT to go over .40? I have a few thousand

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>there will be people selling their link for USD and other 'selling pressure'
Because people who already have link they bought somewhere else will move it to Normiebase to sell it or because people who buy it on Normiebase will then sell the coins they just bought? How many seconds did you spend thinking this through, Sport?

short term I expect a dump, but long term I expect faster growth now that we're away from cz's bots

seriously though, when would (((they))) really start worrying?

Because being added to coinbase legitimizes the project and exposes it to more people who may not have been aware of it before. It really isn't that hard to figure out.

Old link holders, especially the wales don't sell at coinbase. Demand >> offers

>raped to death by the SEC
Someone hasn't read the T&Cs!
Real crypto is controlled by the CFTC...

when you see on tv that Link is fascist coin promoted by mongolian horse saddling crafters who worship egyptian god of chaos. Also roastie pic related

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>oh remind me what did coinbase did to BAT? did it go to the fucking moon? retards
It's a valid question to ask and it's well worth thinking about. The issue is that BAT is meant to have a very limited use. The more open-ended stuff is more likely to moon. Stuff that's a store of value like BTC is very versatile because it's simply another form of money that can be used for anything. ETH is more limited than that, but it's still a very useful tool that can be used with all kinds of different applications. LINK also matches this description. What am I meant to do with BAT? Buy ads that nobody really wants to look at? I don't even dislike the project. I think it's a meaningful improvement over Googlewhatever for the average internet user, but I can see a good explanation for why BAT doesn't moon when other stuff does.

Literally who?

Just like bitcoin is for pedophiles right? Jow Forumsbuttcoin tier fud

there will be a solution before then

This, and INSTITUTIONAL BUYERS. Do you think some fortune 500 company is going to buy on fucking binance? The pump that we get when link starts trading will make google look like a molehill. Unironically your last chance to buy link below $5 is right now.

remember that coinbase added all of those shitcoins during a bear market; things are different now.

>women need to evaluate social status to decide whether an investment is good or not
Not going to make it

Everyone is expecting Link to pump when trading starts on Coinbase.
Guess whats going to happen.

Damn, this.

This entire thread is filled with retards and summerfags looking to be spoon fed.

Your post inspired me to check cuckbase for the first time in over a year and LMAO they added xlm holy shit

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Bat was fundamentally flawed from the start. Humans are lazy and the use of BAT requires effort, however minimal.

Stinkies are not going to start selling for fiat just because it got listed... that's some unproven theory.