he isn't in short since 13k

> he isn't in short since 13k

Attached: 25646760-0B61-4BC1-8C6D-BA0D6BFD877D.jpg (469x140, 34K)

Lmao, poor fag.

Means nothing

Sage. Fucking poor fag.

What language is this?

based poorfag

What kind of pleb tier gains is this? I pay more in trading fees than your upnl.

short with a whole 5 dollars

when the percentage is greater than the satoshi value

> He pays fee trading
I earn fees by shorting on btimex lmao

>he thinks funding is "earning fees"

Retard confirmed.

> He doesn't know makers have a negative fee rate

Attached: 55890AE3-5E50-4DA8-9E8F-1EA80EE6E93C.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Fuck off brainlet

>guys I'm use limit orders I'm a pro market maker now


You're so impressed with some dumbass shorting in a bull market and making less than a week's pay. Good one.

Absolute pleb tier short. But we’re gonna make it bobros

Attached: D22B4B8D-C275-43FB-BFEB-D3DEF6BA8DE5.png (828x1792, 265K)

Nice one faggot, already underwater. High IQ play right there.

what app and exchange?

>Doesn't show entry
Show it

Stay mad bitchboy. Just decided to put a double order in at 13k


>not shorting on fulcrum.trade, the decentralized smart contract margin trading platform

Why would I be mad that you're already losing lmao?

You ready to lock in that loss dumbass?

>let's short when it has fallen 10% already
nice play there, mr. brainlet.

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I unironically missed it, what a terrible mistake