I have 200 BSV, am i going to get BTFO tomorrow? pls tell me

I have 200 BSV, am i going to get BTFO tomorrow? pls tell me

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it depends
do you think craig is satoshi?

i think its more than 50%

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Yes, you will get absolutely demolished, and we're gonna laugh at your deserved misery.

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CSW will come up with a new story that will push the court date even further.

At this point, deadlines don't phase me. I now believe he can keep this up, and keep pushing dates back until he dies of old age.

im getting nervous guys

lel these people really do exits, I though it was all memes and trolls.

you're gonna make it bro
bsv is in a bull market cycle right now
hold fast we finna bouta moon soon
don't listen to the btc shills, it is finished and will never be higher than 14k

Over 200 BSV is based, but I'm not sure that you're redpilled if you're questioning your stack.

Based and possibly Redpilled.

The more he delays the reckoning, the more it will go down hard on him. Right now he has already forfeited his freedom if he's not satoshi. Soon he will risk 10 years in jail and financial ruin.
It will end badly for him anyway.

im questioning it because literally everyone is against him and he hasn't done anything yet to prove everyone wrong yet. im essentially gambling at this point.

>it's over for Drumpf, anyday now him and his whole crooked family will be behind bars!

Lmao you won't make it.

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once you get locked into a position there is almost nothing anyone can do to convince you otherwise. any 'proof' or 'rationale' we provide you will only mentally doubt and twist to become a "reason to believe he really is satoshi"

I suggest you separate yourself from the events and comment on yourself in the 3rd person. "There he goes, still not selling...look creg is lying again but user is still holding...thinking its going to moon"
I'm not suggesting this is a way to change your behavior - because I think its unchangeable - however you should watch it unfold in a detached state so that next time you learn to avoid going so deep that you become "locked in" like you are now.

im also getting scared guise

good advice. it doesnt make it any easier for me to do what you say after buying bsv at 55-60 dollars. emotionally attached at this point

What do you mean? How can everyone be skeptical of a serial liar?

in general i think "all or nothing" decisions are almost always wrong. you should always have a hedge or plan b and c depending on specifics.

there are all sorts of ways for you to 'handle' this even being emotionally attached. you could sell 40% of your stack to BTC as a hedge until the court blows over and either re-buy or move the remaining depending on outcome

>but...if I sell 40% and it moons I will miss out

yes, but this is the point of hedging. you accept that any decision will have a downside so you straddle the downside so you lose a little bit no matter what but its survivable and you still stand to prosper in the future.

again, i know you intellectually understand this, but also understand that you are not capable of protecting yourself in this way.

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i appreciate the real advice

The Vishnu will protect Sanjay

looks like everything is bleeding right niw so im not as nervous as i was. last night was still up in tether though.

870+ BSV and looking to buy more if it dips, otherwise I ride this Vishu to my on-chain destiny as a BitCoin God