they are starting to notice.
wait until they notice 0xbitcoin
the supply is only 5 million 0xbtc.
will moon like nothing ever mooned before.
>a shitty shitcoin site noticed a shitcoin
Can someone redpill me on LINK is it a meme or not?
>that roast riding the rocket
pic related will be happening soon en masse.
it is not a meme. it is a meme.
which one are you willing to believe?
Yes it is a meme.
It is also unironically the best investment out there. Get in now or stay poor forever.
The link is a meme is a meme that is a meme meme but is actually a meme
Its a meme.
They solve a problem that dont exist.
buy asap. don't sell
It's been some time since I felt this comfy
There's also an article about it on yahoo finance.
Imagine being so desperate to unload your bags that you try to ride Link's success.
This made me cringe. Fuck off.
Its a meme that will make us rich
Wait until CoinLion announces their LINK/fiat on-ramp. Worst kept secret in the industry.
why are LINK holders so insecure about owning a token with 300 million circulating supply and 1 billion TOTAL supply?
what is the other 2/3 for? have you ever wondered?
Sergey bathes in the other tokens, they rub up against his hairy slav balls and that bulbous money belly
desperate as fuck
read the fucking whitepaper you illiterate pajeet
Are you projecting your insecurity? Google seems ok with Link. Not a single streetshitter is ok with 0xbitcoin besides the bagholders
worse than a meme, it's a fraud
It's an unregistered security. Linkies will be thrown in prison.
>He doesn't understand that Link is a meme of a meme that got memed years ago about a meme that memed a meme.
cope harder linkers.
0xbitcoin has none of these problems. comfy hold
You’re a meme
If normies pick it up, it's over for Chainlink.
You are doing this for already 2 years
What sane person would buy this shitcoin? Feels good being all in LINK.
sir, chainlink is not a meme okay? You are mistaken, chainlink as the most potential under top 100 coins, okay as I said before in a another thread, it is the coin that links all the coins, it links all the blockchains, this is something so much potential.... you are okey if you want to sell, go ahead but you not a good bisness money if you sell, you have to hodl sir, you have to hodl
old FUD, debunked million times so fuck off tranny
Weak. Try again
lol chainlink has an article from freaking CNN and it still won't move.
Just lol.
you actually made me throw up in my mouth, please leave and never come back
My wife when I make it
True actually, just look at the total supply.
Everybody is ok with this because Sergey is actually worthy of trust. He will not fuck up the power that he wields.
How much longer are you going to try to shill your garbage until you inevitably kill yourself? For as long as you have street shitter jenkem left?
actual sheep lol
650 million * 2.5
Dude... 2 years. It doesn't matter what I tell you. You need to move your ass now and do research
>trust sergey
>fud debunked
>yikes cringe cope
Your emperor is naked im merely pointing it out
It's a json parser.
buy 0xbitcoin before it's too late Linkers. own a store of value on Ethereum instead of your huge supply centralised shittoken which relies on (((intel sgx))) for security at the basic level. your "decentralised" oracle is a fraud. its smoke and mirrors and flim flam and hand waving
the link shills stop bumping the thread when they get btfo by facts.
game set and match for 0xbitcoin
There's an entire whitepaper and a few conferences now where they describe what chainlink is actually meant to do and the problem it is meant to solve along with the distribution plans. This is a product which has been recognized by google, amazon, and now oracle while your chuck-e-cheez token would beg to sniff the farts of the kinds of people Sergey networks with.
Go make a 0xbtc thread instead of begging for attention in the thread of a product which is actually shaping up to see use. Oh wait! 0xbtc threads have little interest because it's an unremarkable chuck-e-cheez shitcoin amongst thousands destined to die when the air clears.
The only thing you've managed to do is point out that you have an extra chromosome. Go drink some drain cleaner and lie down in the gutter, pajeet. Your drivel won't be missed.
btfo nigger you're shitcoin is dead. dump your bags already, your pajeet is showing.
clueless linker reveals just how clueless he is. let me guess, you first bought crypto in 2017
i read your whitepaper. it basically proves that decentralised oracles can never truly exist. have you read it? the link quasi-decentralised-but-in-actual-fact-completely-centralised-and-gimped-oracle-rube-goldberg-machine cannot work as described.
read your own white paper, let it sit in your brain case and draw your conclusions.
relinquish your fantasies and invest in deflationary, non-centralised, mineable crypto CURRENCY like 0xbitcoin before its too late
> m-m-muh coiiin
Still no argument
Your shitcoin is dead
You are a desperate bagholder trying to leech off of a thread about something which has a much more justified existence and nothing you can really say will ever change that. Keep coping.
>while your chuck-e-cheez token would beg to sniff the farts of the kinds of people Sergey networks with.
so true
Go and read it again until you actually understand, faggot. Once you can explain it without sounding like you're a retard having a stroke, make sure to email the following companies to advise them that Link is useless:
> Swift
> Zep OS
> Oracle
> Amazon
> Google
> Docusign
And that's just a start.
Go on faggot. Make sure you post your correspondence in here too so we can all follow it and laugh at you making a complete ass of yourself because you have literally 0 idea what you're talking about.
Yet, they were implemented successfully.
>the absolute delusion of shitcoin holders
you sound like a teenager and a faggy gay one at that
0xbitcoin is far from dead. it will only see increased adoption and liquidity. the community is still very much alive and will grow. the price is low but that only makes the buying opportunity that much sweeter. also, it doesn't depend on some hand waving over hardware vulnerabilities and sybil attack to actually work. whereas chainlink literally is flawed fundamentally and will never work will constantly suffer hacks and depends on the centralised actors mentioned by this dimwit and newfag to prop itself up as a viable entity.
pathetic linkers the bell tolls for thee
>0xbitcoin is far from dead. it will only see increased adoption and liquidity
So are literally dozens of other shitcoins. Stink is a joke coin and will be done for when Sergay dumps his 650 million Stinks down your throat.
Don't worry. Those companies already know that StainStink is useless. thats why they will never use it.
Some muslim offered me barrels of crude for my linkies. Pfff stay poor sheiks
> still no real rebuttals to anything about chainlink aside from the fact that it has a large supply, but this supply is entirely justified given what this token aims to achieve
I'm still waiting for anything, really.
> hand-waving over hardware vulnerabilities
Oh, well you've just completely shot down their approach with town-crier as one of many layers of security.
> chainlink literally is flawed fundamentally
Wow that was a powerful sentence right there. You may wish to email the 3 separate tech firms which audited chainlink's code as well to tell them the news. Clearly you know something they don't which is why you're still in a chainlink thread begging for attention because you know that no one gives a shit about your retarded shitcoin.
Even BSV has more activity and development - think long about that.
> the community and price will totally grow for 0xbtc maaaaan
Yeah champ, I'm sure the masses are flocking to your steaming pile of sub-500 trash which only has a small shot at significance based on chainlink's success, and even then 0xbtc has how many competitors who do the same thing better? Yyou honestly just sound like a chihuahua barking and pissing itself over a larger dog. Do you have anything actually worth saying? Can we skip to that part? If you manage to do it without choking on your own tongue I can't promise you'll ever write anything impressive but I'll definitely be proud of you.
Enjoying my daily ATHs senpai
> we're testing this with hand-picked startups over at oracle and integrating it into google's bigquery
> but nah it's a shitcoin it won't do anything
This is some low IQ shit. You're going to have to beg a lot harder before anyone sells, and we'll only sell you small bags for $100 a token possibly.
the code may be perfect, but its perfect code that will never work as linkers hope. the whole system is fundamentally flawed and centralised so it can never be a decentralised oracle. i simply refer you to the chainlink white paper which you clearly havent read or understood
buy it you pathetic faggot. buy 0xbitcoin before i rape your family to death in front of your eyes
Jesus fucking Christ this is the most pathetic shit I've ever seen on this board.
prove me wrong.
lmao pathetic incel manlet cope
>translation: Please also note how all I can say is that it's "fundamentally flawed" but can't go into detail about any of it because it's painfully clear that I still have no idea what I'm talking about, and it's my word against actual tech companies looking to use chainlink.
0/10 for content but 10/10 for effort. I've never seen someone try so hard to say absolutely nothing.
> and he still won't make a 0xbtc thread
Yap. Yap. Yap. Yap.
do you cry yourself to sleep?
About what??? This thread is about LINK being on coinbase and you're going on like a frantic pajeet about your shitcoin. FUCK OFF
> threatening to murder people unless they buy your shitcoin
You really do reek of desperation as well as dog piss. Please do continue.
Hes a real good salesman
Just put 20 dollars, you never know. Might pay you a nice meal or a new telephone in a couple of years
>There are real fundamentals behind the price.
>buy mah bags BUY MAH BAGS
Life is just different in India I guess. I couldn't imagine being a cockroach like him scuttling around on a mongolian basket weaving forum. He needs to go back to huffing fermented gutter-shit and dying in a hole somewhere.
bugger off
thanks for the (You)s insecure little linkers. im sure daddy sergey will never dump 2/3 of total supply on your heads.
not just sergey but the whales from the ICO and the other devs and random people holding huge stacks with no intention of ever risking their money running something so ridiculous and flimsy as a "link node" kek
the base hypocrisy of linkjeets
Always happy to put retardation in the spotlight. you must enjoy being abused
> still has nothing to say
> still begging for attention in a link thread
> argument entirely from personal incredulity and pretending to be an authority when he clearly knows nothing
Well I give up in the face of this stellar reasoning and logic. I just sold all my link - I'm a 0xbtc marine now.
> n-no YOU'RE the indian
Yeah of course Sanjay. I'M the Indian begging for people to pay attention to 0xbtc in the hopes that I can finally dump my bags on the next dumbest cockroach in the gutter.
cope harder. link marketcap is over inflated by hype.
0xbitcoin is undervalued anywhere under $100.
do you even know how to speculate or do you just follow the herd like a sheep?
you're projecting your shit skin all over me.
keep your insecurities to yourself whatever you are.
Agreed, your shitcoin is pure speculative garbage.
> d-do you even know how to speculate?
> 0xbitcoin is undervalued under $100
Oh the irony.
> muh marketcap
This is proof right here that you have no real idea how link will be measured in the future based on its use. Could you please keep going into detail about all of this? You're basically just digging your own hole at this point and I'm assuming that you're just doubling down because the second you go into another thread to shill your shit again you're going to get roasted in exactly the same way.
Sir. Chainlink is not a meme. You're mistaken.
Chainlink has the most potential of the top 100 coins.
It is a coin that LINKS all the coins.
It LINKS the blockchains.
You're..okay if you want to sell okay go ahead.
But you're not a good businessman if you sell.
yeah it's worth speculating on, whereas LINK WAS worth speculating on about a year ago and is no longer.
you absolute brainlet
>he thinks speculation is a negative thing
the state of stinkbrains in 2019
We are no longer of this world
> oracle, amazon, google announcing use of chainlink
> n-nah 0xbtc is the one worth betting on
More and more retarded with every post. I can't wait to see what you say next.
>muh announcements will pump the price
im getting SERIOUS xrp at $3 vibes out of the link community.
seems like the link wave has broken and is receding. seen enough coins come and go in my time. and link STINKS
>thanks for the (You)s insecure little linkers
>19 replies by this id
>spamming link threads
>making fake link threads sayin you sold LINK or your worthless shitcoin
>"n-no it's not me, y-you g-guys are the insecure one
please dilate, you're mentally ill.
Hahah Ranjesh, the only receding wave will be when you and your buddies giving up trying to shill your garbage after a couple hours of being mocked relentlessly for the millionth time
Amongst others I've seen popping up in a few threads.
> muh xrp vibes
> I-I've seen coins come and go in my time
And yet yours never, ever goes anywhere - and it never will.
Keep barking and pissing yourself while you dig your hole. I know it's not something you can really relate to but when some of the largest companies in finance and tech started announcing that they were going to be using chainlink for their first forays into blockchain use, it actually is kind of a big deal. That's what actual promise looks like - not some pipe dream made up by a braindead nigger trying to defend his rank 727 shitcoin.