Link about get #metoo'd

Link about get #metoo'd

this is for real.

Feminists are now going after /our/ Oracle guy Fernando Ribeiro for accidently liking a troll tweet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She fucking tagged Oracle

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*ahem* all women are attention whores

who gives a single fuck, fuck off faggot

buy 0xbtc

Only beta cucksois care about what an Internet whore says

kek, I guess fernando is based after all.

I'm laughing, incels ruin every good thing they got going for them simply because they need an attitude adjustment

>a single like of my comment isn't sufficient

HAHAHAHA like sergey2.0 owes this literal who roastie any validation at all

Unironically get t-boned by a semi with your whole family in it.

He already answered and deflected, and she accepted his answer.


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What the cobra guy is implying is actually correct. this causes more pain to the roast than just a plain slur as she can't come back credibly.

She validated cobras initial criticism

how can one man be so based?

your typical faggot on Jow Forums:
imagine getting so wound up by some tweets that you make an 8 minute video about it.

How one can see it: Everybody fucking knows what the cobra guy is saying. The error lies in him thinking that he speaks something novel and revelatory.

Very nice, liked, subscribed, patreon supported, woman respected, and incels dilated.

>implying that we should tiptoe around to the whim of some deranged hypersensitive woman on the internet
i've fucking HAD IT UP TO MY BACK TEETH with enabling cucklefucks like you, and entitled CUNTS like her
i've been taking both of your demographics' bullshit since my gasoline-soaked eternal trainwreck garbage fire of a childhood, and i'm not fucking taking it any more
fuck the entire lot of you into an early grave, you parasites


These women..

Lol guy lives in a shithole, but pretty much agree, he makes good points

She is being exposed, and it horrifies her.

Do feminists really think that they can win against the JEW?

She could easily reciprocate a "redpill" on male ptsd-ridden link bagholders FUDing their own investment and being a pain in the neck for EVERYONE in the project

Just imagine a moonboi, but a one that relishes in destroying the reputation of his own project because this is the only form of entertainment left to him due to being abandoned by any sympathetic human being.

jews are the reason we have feminism today. you didn't actually think women can think for themselves, did you?

Then why isn’t she doing that instead?
What is better, kid A roasting kid B, then kid B roasting back
or kid B crying to the teacher about abloobloo

I'd wager that sergey would PAY to substitute the typical Jow Forums linkie with a woman like the one on twitter as his fanbase.
This is also why nerds are usually insufferable. they cling to innovative, rare topics just to be able to wield power over other people - just to misuse it horribly because they never actually wielded any power over anyone.

Chainlink is literally the biggest jew coin out of there, just look at the cube and it’s colors. The one who goes against Link goes against their plan. Simple as.

Ayyyylana, chill homegirl.
>we the market now
you had two years, yo!

She doesn't want to argue about pointless shit that just proves how maladjusted the people participating are.
This alone destroys any argument that the people are trying to make, regardless of the hard arguments provided. Keep your "pure discussions" on Jow Forums you fuckwits. You aren't providing any revalatory information to anyone and just expose yourself as sheltered shitstains who know absolutely nothing.

Like you’re doing now?

>their plan
they never planned on thousands of NEETS getting insanely wealthy off their plan. But its LINK is too pivotal to scrap, so the show must go on, even though they prefer we be mere audience spectators.

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Oracle doesn't give two shits about some attention whoring roastie. These aren't business majors whose half friend circle is female, these are stem autists who view women as retards

You can control the meek pretty easily, especially when they realize that you gave them a good life.

So much importance for a roastie, you literally killed a thread for this, kill yourself op.


What was this cobra guy attempting to accomplish with that post

He explains it here

>especially when they realize that you gave them a good life.

>FUCK I got utterly BTFO... what do I do?
>I'll respond with an irrelevant stock GIF twitter provides me!
why do roasties always do this?
God I hate twitter

rise up

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>women destroy the crypto space
Marketing is catered to women EXACTLY because they buy shit. how would them buying your bags be bad in any shape or form.

>Ima meme misanthropist
>everyone is stupid
>speaking at the pace of a fresh brain hemorrhage victim
>thinking that all men provide benefit to projects despite being a part of the most project damaging group of fanboys ever to be seen in modern history

>Fernando Ribeiro

he deserves whatever happens for that pump'n'dump he pulled

I don't hate him because he's brown, I hate him because he's a true neckbeard, a walking neckbeard stereotype

where did this meme come from. ideology like feminism is what capitalists use to divide and conquer

Do you throw a turd at a monkey that did exactly that to you? Guess you'd have no problems with that.

fuck you seething nigger, let me guess you sold at 2,07$?

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No division nevessary, Marxism is conquered automatically by being a retarded shit-tier economic model for pedantic utopian brainlets

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stop giving her attention

wow, they're both complete idiots. no wonder this interaction took place on twitter.

Fernando did nothing wrong... He's excited about chainlink. He wore a fucking red plaid shirt. Dudes a huge chainlink fan... FELLOW MARINES...


Haha fuck her but honestly don’t bring normies into our world. Act normal around them

OFC he is >one of us

Oracle as a company is one of the most asshole & cutthroat in this business.

- a tech guy who has had to see their licensing shit.

And to be sure, it's not only a good thing... I'm diverting the topic a bit but Oracle is the exact company who would do shadow fork chainlinks just to spite everyone if they could.

english isn’t even his first language lmao fuck this attention seeking roastie

when it turns out he was favelanon the whole time

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Holy shit who fucking cares? And wtf is your problem, OP?

You guys need to stop romanticizing how pathetic each other are and unironically go clean up your lives. I used to be an angry incel who blamed everyone else for my misery until I just stopped thinking like a selfish, hateful child.

This exactly the sort of thing that could pick up steam and have publications writing about the toxic community this token has support from.

Have sex


>projecting roastie false-flagger detected


fuck you, fucking faggot. it's because of shitheads like you i missed riding this shitcoin, as you literal faggots kept crying about cum-drinking loli and nazi tweets
"muh fudding link for accumulation", my ass. you made this coin the official soiboi coin from the start

Women need to be fucking put back in their place. Without their libtard fag and Jew enablers they wouldn’t have all the power they have now. Pisses me off how some rosstie can just go online post some stupid shit and get your life ruined. Absolute bullshit. This is what happens when we lose our masculinity. Women and Jews start taking over and everything goes to shit.

Face it... LINKIES about to get BTFO'd by rabid leftists.
Your nazi link memes will haunt you all the way to zero

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Yeah I'm fine with that. Give me a good life and we're cool. I mean that's what every human wants right?

You missed link ... because of reporting of nazi and loli tweets? You're just a brainless mental midget sucking on a donkey cock long enough to not put any decent amount of attention to relevant project in the space.

What happened to boomers in a nutshell

>false-flaggers are linkies

irrelevant point.
they EXIST, in large numbers.
Leftists don't care about facts, you should know about that. They see something offensive and that's enough evidence to take #action

>spew vitriol towards linkies
>get remainded that it's not them doing what he say they do
>calls this irrelevant
go suck on a dick

Good thing you all is "fudding" to keep prices low and nolinkies out, and now others do it for you :)

Alana is a real (((JOY)))

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someone call the THOT police
this bitch is in heat and needs an injection of sperm stat to come back to her senses

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Are women the ultimate FUD and malinvestment?

Why the fuck does she care so much. Man the Internet has become such a carebear zone.

>it's not us
Read this fucking thread and imagine how a feminist would feel about LINK

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pls. come bitches. i will buy more.

>imagine how a feminist would feel
feminism is a mind virus program word
it isn't a real word and was simply invented by the likes of (pic related)
these poor people are being marked like a farmer would mark animals for slaughter

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So fucking bullish

Based and botpilled.

This thread is not representative of link as a whole you tard. The ones making retarded statements which are designed to vent are mo0st likely to FUD - which makes them false-flaggers

>he thinks in terms of ideology
Hallmark of a brainless monkey

>/biz is not the chainlink community
This is what delusion looks like.
Are you fucking kidding me? /biz has been shilling LINK for over a year. Probably 20+ LINK posts every fucking day for over a year.

>takes everything on Jow Forums with absolute sincerity
Not gonna make it

>autism: the post

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What a fucking bitch how dare she attack ourguy

>Been in crypto since 2012
>Early adopter
>Bought Link at $1.72


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What a fucking fag that white knight is. And how have you been in crypto since 2012 and aren't on a yacht right now?

because she buys json parsers when they hit 2b dilluted market cap