Holy shit making it without friends or a gf fucking SUCKS

holy shit making it without friends or a gf fucking SUCKS

just hit 1 million dollars and i have no one to even tell or hang out with but you guys.

make sure you get friends or a gf before you make it or you'll never really "make it"

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i can sustain a 50k a year lifestyle for 20 years which is fucking LAME

you don't actually make it till 10 million so i have to wait for BTC to fucking 10x

Why don't you just start making friends and gfs now...? Do you really want to have a bunch of poorfag friends to tell about being a millionaire so that they become jealous of you or want to borrow money?

>you don't actually make it till 10 million so i have to wait for BTC to fucking 10x
So you have to wait until EOY 2020? Boo hoo.

buy some faggot

Are you that retarded? How do you think they're all gonna see you if you say *hey guys I got a million dollars now. You can't share this shit with anyone, get used to it

I know that feel. I made it too and I still neet it at my parents because I don't know what the fuck to do with my life. I might just sell a bit and just travel around the world for a few years.

you don't have any interests other than tradkng in crypto?
Go out and meet someone. For sure you will find people, you fucking have a milliln dollars

Are you retarded? Every experience from people who actually made it showed that their so called "friends" change their relationship to you and start expecting money. And a mil is more than enough to make it once you invest it. You weren't planning on living off the interest like a retard right?

it's too fucking hard every friends ive had has been shit and surprisingly ive had many of them. they never call or text me even i always have to be the one to do it.

millionaire larpers lying. What's new..
Oh, would you look at that. No proof, no picture not even an attempt to fool the gullible ones with a photoshoop. Lame.

>i have no one to even tell or hang out with
You say this like it's a bad thing, once you acquire true wealth, telling anyone or hanging out with your old friends is not a good idea.

im so entrenched in crypto and have stared at a computer so long i don't actually know how to live. i dont know where to begin. i dont even have a drivers license or a way to get one because they dont have uber in my town



Until you cash out, pay the taxes on it, and have it sitting in your bank account, you don't have anything.

kek you guys are something else, thank fuck I had friends before crypto and managed to get a few into them.

>just hit 1 million dollars
have you sold?

>I made it too
how much money do you have?
really, if you have a lot of money you could literally spend on trying new hobbies (social ones) or goin to study something for fun. Having money makes everything easier.

Gj user

That's true. I don't even know how the fuck to cash out a decent amount. I'm worried I get fucked for money laundering or some shit because they don't believe I hodled for so long. Wtf does you bank say when they get wired 100k to an account?

I'll be your friend if u want.

What would be a smart way to invest a million? VTSAX?

Congrats bro! Sorry about your social life n sheit.

You'll be there in 6 months, get your ducks in a row

Are people really this fucking stupid..

You don't just sit on the money in your bank account. You invest it in index funds or bonds and get 5-10% a year.

Also if you do make it, it helps to work part time in a job you enjoy or volunteer because social interaction and some semblance of routine really helps your mental and life satisfaction.

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You're not supposed to ever share making it with anyone. They will act happy at first but over time only resent that you "got lucky" and never had to work yourself to the bone.

well op, i also "made it", last year.
moved to a different country for taxes, traveled the world, etc.
on phone now and out, don't have time if you want to talk (i feel like it might be good, i also have 0 friends who made it), send ur discord or whatever here: [email protected]

>crypto gainz
>work yourself to the bone

I have some advice fren.
People often tell others to "just go out and talk to someone". Fuck that, it's odd and most people don't create friendships or connections from passing conversation.

Take a class.
Find something cool you want to learn, and just go learn it. Could be at a local college, sports centre, outdoor centre etc etc. It doesn't really matter where or what, as long as it's something you think you will enjoy.

You are bound to have experiences here that require input from peers. You share the journey, experience and have a regular time slot where you see the same batch of people. These people are more often than not, similar in interest to you (as you picked the same class). Bonds are formed here. Not in coffee shops or book stores.

Good luck out there fren.
>t.class taker.

You can literally just buy friends

You can make it pretty good on $1 million if you know how to invest. You should be able to grow it to $10 million in a few years.
Get a job doing something cool.

point is not telling anyone and finding authenticity, dont depart your ways from where and how you started and grew but this thread is a larp because of the justification, just speaks for itself

Your bank manager calls you and tries to convince you to take out a mortgage. Checked BTW

>Get a job bro
I thought the whole reason we wanted to invest in crypto was so that we didn't have to get a job?

Consult a lawyer that can provide attorney client privilege. Honestly maybe start with one who has experience in criminal law because they can help you avoid being wrongly charged.

While having $1,000,000 from crypto holding looks suspicious, if there is no proof of a crime, you’ll be fine.

utilize meetup dot com and join groups or start your own

Brainlets that are realizing money wasn't the answer to their problems, lol. If you don't know what you want to do with your life even when you have the money you need, then the issue is yourself.

Maybe unironically see a therapist and figure your shit out.

No, it's so you don't NEED a job, specifically a job that you hate or too many hours.

But if you think "making it" is just sitting around playing vidya and jerking off all day you will not live a fulfilling or happy life.

You need to eat healthy, work out, have a regular sleep schedule with at least 7-8 hours a night, regular social interaction, goals, relationships, and some form of schedule or else you will be depressed, lonely, and taking years off your life.

Well you’ll have to find a hobby or a job.
If you’ve made it you can but a boat and charters.
Surf all day.
Volunteer with animals or politics and stuff.
Be a min wage Beach life guard and chill on the beach all day and talk to the other cute lifeguards.
Join a local sports club and go drinking with the teams.
Join a martial arts gym.

The hard part is realizing you choose you.
You get decide.
People for some reason struggle with having to decide and with having control.

Find a business to start. Time and effort are the most valuable assets for starting a business and you have it, where wage slaves won’t.

I haven't made it man but I understand those feels. With a girl 9 years and we broke up and once I looked around I had 1 or 2 friends left.

If you're an ausfag we can play some wow or have a beer man

are you brain damaged? I literally said "never had to work yourself to the bone"

sitting around playing vidya and jerking off all day gets really old after 6 months. i started taking foreign language courses at the local community college and highly recommend you guys do so. gives you something to learn and focus on without having to get a job or some bullshit like that

nice larp retard