I have to pay a hospital bill, and the amount of BTC I'm holding will cover it if I sell now. Should I sell now...

I have to pay a hospital bill, and the amount of BTC I'm holding will cover it if I sell now. Should I sell now, or wait to have some extra monies? I don't want to miss the golden bull run.

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Delay the payment?

If the golden bullrun happens, you'll make enough to cover the late fees

call the hospital and setup a payment plan. tell them you are very poor and ask what the minimum monthly payment is. they don't charge interest.

>America, fuck yeah!

Reading this post just unironically changed my mind on this topic. We need to publicize healthcare. That is literally bullshit.

Live in a socialist country

Just tell them you won't pay. Every homeless person, drug addict, and uninsured illegal does it and gets away with no consequences.

Avoid selling if you can but can't be rich if you're dead you stupid nigger

based and checked
or this if you're not a total degenerate
don't sell the btc faggot

half the people don't pay why should you? what are they gonna do lock you up? unlikely

Listen to this nibba, OP. You can make tiny payments and the hospital will just be glad you aren't a deadbeat.

take notes

---- START PLAN -----



Memorise ur keys.

Go on the run.

Go to jail

Do 3 years.

Come out 10x richer

----- END PLAN ----

Attached: 1561143627266.png (450x375, 152K)

>wake up with excuciating back pain
>go to hospital
>visit, blood work, scans, meds
>pay us today and we will subtract 40% from your bill
>pay us slowly and we will add 40% + interest
>pay today
i got scammed by the hospital

Just don't pay it. Or healthcare system is fucked & everyone knows it. They won't come after you. 5 points off your credit score, max

Lol that's because most people who don't have insurance, DON'T PAY

>I have to pay a hospital bill,
Just don't pay.
They aren't going to put you in jail for not paying a hospital bill. They also can't take your bitcoin to force you to pay.
They don't control you, and you don't need to play their game. Simply lie. Healthcare costs are a scam, and they will only ask for 10% of the bill if you convince them you are poor and or retarded, and you can pay it off over several years.

Nice plan you stupid young faggot. Because government run services are so fucking great.

Ask the hospital if they take magic internet money

tell them they can have 0.1 BTC and hodl it till 100K and then they get their 10K jew bucks

You don't have to pay shit, they're not gonna break your back or anything

if been thru US and UK health case and year US is better, but the UK stuff is free and it works even if there's no service with a smile stuff and waiting times are three times longer than US