For the new linkies out there

I don't like it any more than the old fags on here but we have new linkies among us. Chainlink is not going up forever because there will be a pullback so when that happens DO NOT SELL. BE PATIENT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE AND CONTINUE TO HOLD. SURE YOU'LL MAKE A SMALL PROFIT BUT YOU'LL MAKE AN EVER BIGGER RETURN IF YOU CONTINUE TO HOLD FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER YEAR. $1000 EOY IS NOT A MEME

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Other urls found in this thread:

>50 startups being announced starting September
>All startups must use LINK to participate in program
>All startups must buy on exchanges at market prices under normal market conditions
dense faggots don't deserve to buy under 5$

I can vouch for this. Bought 1BTC with my gains to $2.20 and then sold it. Money sitting in Tether now just doing nothing. Valuable lesson.

yeah too bad link doesn't havea testnet or anything like that

that is not how it works, homeboy

too bad it's blockchain agnostic and has been successful since mainnet launch, you might get a better price after this next correction.

>50 startups being announced starting September

>frantically scrolls through notepad file full of fud
>lands on something at random and posts it
>its something that hasnt been true in over a year
Nice one!

vauluable lesson i learned in the past two years.

i started with a 4k stack now i have a 12k stack

no not leave positions open for too long with link.

this is not like the other coins

only sell when you are ready to cash out or when you want a quick scalp.

just now i sold 1k links about bought back 1010links and made an extra 10 links
thats 30 dollars in 6 mintutes.

these are the trades you want to do with link.

this is what i have been doing for the past two years

i lost thousands of links as well,

> He dont know Fernando

that's exactly how it works.
see here:
also see video
They might get that better price after the next correction but they're too dense of faggot to buy when it does.

Fernandos talk the other day dood

it's a shame they don't know this guy. I will spoon feed because I feel generous tonight. This is the man talking in the video. Yes he is also a lurker and link marine.

Aren't those startups most likely going to be people that bought during the presale though, meaning they aren't going to be buying at market price in the future? Not saying that isn't great news but it's like we're competing with giant companies over scarce link

uhhh 50 random startup companies had the foresight to buy in 2017 for a program that just got implemented in 2019. No user I don't think that they could see the future in fact it just show your a dumb faggot for even thinking that shit. away plebian.

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if you bought link sub-$1 and haven't sold yet you're a fucking tard

Is this new FUD?

these nolinker faggots are trying hard to cope

k, fine, but what do i do with FTM? just trying to make it here.

Yes it is

nice try whalefag
i'm gonna dump my stack on you nigger before the top is in

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2,000% price increase since launch. anyone who buys now is a hyperpleb. it's over. a five dollar shitcoin, and it'll take another year of volatility before it even hits that, then crashes and burns. buy KMD.

cope harder faggot