Swing bots and Arbitrage bots are now very active on Coinbase. Hold tight, volatility will get even more ridiculous...

Swing bots and Arbitrage bots are now very active on Coinbase. Hold tight, volatility will get even more ridiculous. I don't have much more info than that. My analytic bots are having trouble making sense of the noise from arbitrage trading.

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Based user. Why wont they let our linkies be stinky

Yeah arbitrage time is over unfortunately. The chinks woke up and fixed the issue. At least I walked away with a free 500 linkies.

fuck off you gay larper

This is fucking wild. Seems like an exchange war

This. Fucking hate tripfags

Binance chinks trying to prevent the moon is hilarious, they are such retards. Why are they so desperate to see it fall?

Good to hear from you, bro. Enjoyed your other threads

Admiral, may your harpoon fly straight.

I bet CZ came to shill some coins to Jow Forums and someone called him a chink

Is this an exchange and whale war?

Free 350 LINK profit here
Feels good user

This is a warning to people trying to arbitrage. They are going to push down one exchange and raise another to give a false sense of security for another round of arbitrage trading. However, once their is enough volume, they will reverse the pump/dump on each exchange.

Thousands of swingers are about to get rekt? Cant wait

I noticed this already just by watching. It's fine, I much prefer to just stay comfy and watch the numbers fly by. I have my meager 10k stack.

You again..? Oh just fuck off.

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Are these bots meant to accumulate more LINK? Is that why we're seeing weird fluctuations?

30k$ is not meager fren.

Are streets meant to accumulate shit? Is that why we see so many Pajeets shitting on them?

Yea, just typical stop lost hunting.

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They are trying to swing trade. This will keep going on for a few days until the price stabilizes. Some of these Swingers are about to get rekt. They'll hang themselves when it reaches $10.

The end goal is to swing->accumulate->dump
They control the volatility, now on both exchanges and use massive swings to get people to buy at the top and sell at the bottom. Ultimate goal appears to be long term accumulation though as the more they control, the more easier they are able to precisely control volatility as a function of time.

1,000,000 USDC freshly minted twitter.com/whale_alert/status/1144823268727279616

$30k what do you mean $40k?

Last I checked it was $60k.

Fuck I was up a solid 400 link from arbitrage and sold my entire stack before going out with friends @ 2.90

Came back and its at 3.4, hit $5 apparently. Never fucking swinging again

Based whale killer I remember your battle against chink bots where you got Link out of sub$1 hell. You are a hero

Where do we go from here?

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I remember too. Based WK

>Where do we go from here?
Isn't it obvious? The moon, fren.

"Business" started to begin accumulation a number of hours ago. It will ramp up more this weekend and next week.

A couple of "The Big 4" are well versed on Chainlink and advising their clients that will need Chainlink to purchase as soon as possible.

>need Chainlink to purchase as soon as possible
Is this coming out of the 350 million circulating tokens or OTC trades coming from the 650 million that aren't circulating?

I have no idea what the spread will be, but the majority will be OTC.

Whalekiller bro, where do you see links price in the short term?

Thank you for sharing your insights fren. You're a legend.

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$10 by end of July. The June 30 meme isn't a meme.

Goodnight frens and remember to hold tight

interesting. if the team start selling portions of the 650 million tokens OTC to big clients I wonder what the price impact would be

I think it dumps again very soon, linke 15 minutes or less. There are some interesting patterns on the 1 minute charts. Once the price stabilizes, it dumps.

Can anyone explain to me what the June 30 meme is?
I'm ready to eat rice and beans everyday if it means making one last substantial purchase.

Buy or forever hold your piece (!).

Same here, please explain

Fuck it, I'm all in then.

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It’s a sales trick to pressure people to buy into their pump and dump so they can dump it.

I also want to know. I thinking to sell my BTC to buy more LINK

Low volume and bots holding price near 3.43.... any moment now this is going to explode in volume and volatility.

What was the June 30 meme again? I must of missed that one

Bots locked in the range 3.4-3.5.... just FYI, they will dump again.

There's never going to be as much fiat in the world for as high as crypto is going to go... it's the ultimate we arent going UP in price, we go down in decimals

Nigga read the thread holy fuck.

I am guessing that's the buy signal?

in summary:
>buy more chainlink
>you're welcome

Attached: youre gonna want that link.gif (419x315, 2.42M)

>you're gonna want that chainlink...
filename related

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Same as you user. We’ll make it

>the only problem you're gonna have is that you didn't buy more
I got one word for you:

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Wouldnt make a diffrence until the network gets used, then the 350n reward is activiated... then market LINK needs to be bought cuz the network was worth something. Then we etherium

Shit my bad

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So @You are saying that buying link now at 3 its like buying eth at 3 in 2017?

Maybe, are you from Reddit?

Damn, is anyone else doing arbitrage to accumulate more links?

Huge if true

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Chilled to the core

The content of these posts doesn't surprise me. Only the timeframe provided. If this is true, it's much sooner than expected. I was thinking maybe 1 more year to reach 10$ but I forgot how quickly crypto moves. Incredible yet, I feel nothing.

So... why are they spending millions and enriching racist NEETs instead of making an inhouse chainlink again?

Lmao cope