>bought in at $3.50
>even dumped some BTC to do it
goodbye, Jow Forums.
>bought in at $3.50
>even dumped some BTC to do it
goodbye, Jow Forums.
buy high sell low, sir
Don't do it fren...
same brother, you got an extra rope, and maybe a chair?
It's going right back there an higher. Hold tight
>buy high sell low, sir
It's the/biz/ mantra
ayy lmao
buy high sell low is more than just a meme frens
imagine hanging yourself when you bought eth at $5
I was so confident because of how well it was holding up against BTC's dip earlier tonight. looks like it just had to catch up.
Just hold it and don't sell at a loss. Link is turbo bull now. We will pass the old ATH again soon. Look it's the same pattern. We will probably go up again in another few hours.
hope you're right. I honestly want to rope anyway just for how ashamed I am of myself for FOMOing like this. I'm usually pretty chill.
i was ashamed for considering fomoing in when link broke $1 and everyone here was going crazy.. FUUUUUU
Mate in 2 weeks time you will be feeling comfy and patting yourself on the back for this FOMO.
sold 80% at $2.80, other 20% is up at $3. Good riddance slowcoach shitcoin. $5 ATH at best, waste of time. moving to KMD.
>buying ath when you had 2 years
Livestream it faggot
Kek you probably bought my bags. Nice doing Jow Forumsness with you user.
Buy high Sell low, as is tradition
lol are you me user
i just bought .7 eth worth which got me 62 god damn stinkies
theyre so expensive now
i don't think ill ever reach 10k
3.5k measly stack reporting in
Anyone in the last bullrun would tell you that if something is maintaining during a market dip, exit while you're up, because it is definitely just delayed.
that's exactly my problem. during the last run I wasn't even paying attention. I was literally just using my crypto to buy coke and drinking every day. I still drink a lot but at least I'm back on Jow Forums. well tonight at least.
How the fuck are you BTFO by being down 15 cents? You really should kill yourself if you can afford rope.
I think it had dipped below $3 on coinbase when I posted. gonna jack off real quick and see where it's at afterwards
You can't use those ropes to kys dumbass
been stretching and practicing autofelacio, so maybe I will choke on it
What do you people think this is gonna top out at? Potentially, this thing could hit the tens and still be at a reasonable market cap
$5 max. that's a 5 billion dollar market cap. reminder that ETH, #2 of them all, has a mcap of like 30bil. 5 is a big ask, and it will go no further.
look at all the utter shit between eth and current market cap. have you heard of any of them? didnt think so.
but you DID hear of link!
>you DID hear of link!
yeah and it's all deluded teenagers screeching "$1000 EOD" etc. it's never gonna be worth anything like that, absolutely no chance. it's a $5 coin max.
I'm scared for the Sunday-monday drop when wagecucks cash in/go back to wagecucking
same. I have another bank transfer hitting early next week, so whatever happens I'm gonna be watching the charts pretty hard so I can decide what to do with it.
but a lot of Jow Forumsraelis have only heard of it because of the google thing (honestly just a namedrop in the scheme of things), and rumors about microsoft, swift, etc. if that shit falls through, what else does LINK have that those other shitcoins don't?
>he didn't even read the whitepaper
no I think I get it, but a few NEETS on a korean parcheesi board don't exactly count as mass awareness and/or adoption
>bought 3.20
>sold 3.50
>bought 3.20 again
>sold 3.50
>bought 3.10
>sold 3.40
Its just too easy lol. Waiting for it to go to 3.12, but will probably go as low as 2.60 in a few days
Do you understand what LINK is trying to do?
Do you know if chainlink fails then smart contract platforms like eth become literally useless?
Do you know Chainlink has no competitor and the only project teying to solve the oracle problem?
Do you even fucking know what the oracle problem is you fucking pajeet.
You’ve no idea how big this project is.
Fuck i hate spoonfeeding literal brainlet pajeets like you. You had two years. Two fucking years.
Enjoy poverty faggot.
LMAO retard
>no I think I get it, but a few NEETS on a korean parcheesi board don't exactly count as mass awareness and/or adoption
Clearly a sign you didn't read the whitepaper, nor have you paid attention to the recent news.
Who cares what it does. We're here to make money. I'll follo into Hitlercoin if it meant a 2x
Why did you buy the top of a parabolic spike after a literal 900% run up in a couple months?
buyin high
sellin low.... that's the life
buy DOGE. easiest double ever. 28 satos now and it always, always returns to 55.
Good question for OP but I’m more concerned about trying to swing trade at $3.15. Sold 90% on my 35k stack... I’m losing hope that I’ll be able to rebuy without a loss. Looks like OP is smarter than me.
>even dumped some BTC to do it
it'll be $2.50 within a week.
Based sparrow reference
We're at least going to 3.12 within the hour. Relax
Explain what this pic means to a brainlet
how new are you? it's just his 1/4 btc waiting to be confirmed on an exchange.
it means after (((((satoshiflipper)))) and his merry band of guppies ((((dumped)))) link after the Oracle news (you know how you always hear the saying "sell the news")
so this group of (((wise guys))) follow satoshi's flipper and sell off LINK (June 25th)
I bought into their sell orders all the way down to 16,000 satoshis
that's what they get for being followers
in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king
calm down and go to bed, sperg. maybe take a day off the adderall tomorrow. try not to eat too much.
what was so groundbreaking? I'm talking about actual evidence, not cleverly worded hype
already admitted earlier ITT, it was fomo.
always and forever, baby
>selling 90%
yeah I'll be honest, I would never do that
>I bought into their sell orders all the way down to 16,000 satoshis
for a total of 1btc worth
those followers of Satoshiflipper sold their LINK to me at 16,000satoshis on June 25 thinking they were selling the news
I told them that they were getting the LINKs ripped out of their hands without realizing it yet
do you think they realize now?
>do you think they realize now?
>pic related
oh no no no
yeah this is why selling the news means fuck all, and what gives me hope, but at the same time I fomo'd based on buying the news which I now think might be bullshit. I'm just going to ride out the weekend until my next round of USD hits my exchange account. gonna try to chill out though no matter what goes down. holding till then.
>holding till then
you still don't realize what's happening do you?
>hint: replace ETH with LINK
>weekly candlesticks look like 5 mins
It's amazing that threads like this even exist. Imagine browsing biz and not buying chainlink from ICO price to a dollar.
ok fine, I'll hold what I have indefinitely. probably buy again on monday or tuesday. jesus. also why do you think I'm a pajeet, I'm like the complete opposite
it's memes like this that got me to fomo. so ok we'll see
>also why do you think I'm a pajeet, I'm like the complete opposite
your words
I never said that
but now that you mention it...I did catch a faint whiff of curry when I entered this thread
Sell now. Links will be $1.15 eoy
I just need the rocketship to have a few more maitinence checks for the next few days while another 500 comes into coinbase. I want as much link as possible before this sucker blows.
sorry I'm a little drunk, I though you were that other passionate moon mission wagecuck
I'm glad I'm so poor or I'd be freaking out over when to buy/sell. My iq is too low for this crap.
You don't know true JUSTening. Find peace in that
>based DOGE marine
do you have an opinion on DGB SC and other 2017 moon missions? they seem to have bottomed out now
Ok Prakbranash whatever you say
honestly at this point, check out chainlink, and if the touched individuals ITT are convincing you, scrounge up some extra cash and buy. if it's all bullshit then you're still poor so whatever
Yea that's what I did. I have 139 Link bought at over $3, wish I had been home earlier. I thought it wouldn't be on Coinbase for a little while longer. Still though it's not much money even if it goes to zero. I'll probably buy more if it goes under 2 dollars again. Good idea/bad idea?
How much have you made? How do you know when to sell
nope, I am actually black
yep buying the dip will be a good call here
why the fuck would you buy the top user? Seems like a move a retard would pull. Congrats.
You're already in the black OP
I’m about to fomo the rest of my alts in and just hold my btc. Every time I put money in chain it keeps going up and I wish I’d fomo’d harder. A dump is likely tomorrow morning but so is a big green coinbase fomo candle.
i sold dgb literally hours ago after holding for years. they're kil
Waiting to kill your self over alts....
I have 50K and am an hero’ing without ever cashing out.
Waste of quads.
also, cash out, buy mountains of cocaine and swarms of hookers, plus one final, OD-tier huge dose of heroin. what a way to go.
Or, just do it at month’s end as planned. I’m going to swallow a large portion of cbd followed by a full vial of pharma grade Nembutal. The cbd will help with any panic symptoms that set in, post injection.
Really the only thing I’ll miss is the new cat my folks got a few months ago. He likes to sit in my lap and watch MMA with me when I visit.
>take a day off the adderall
Someone's projecting
Good luck user, may your next life be better
Oh, fuck off.
You're here forever m8
You can sell out now and have made 1% profit - not bad for a few button clicks
you are joking? kmd. this has to be a joke.
kek you need to learn some programming my friend.
Do you know why no one else is doing decentralized oracles?
Because it's impossible.
Chainlink isn't doing it either. They pretend to be doing it to scam you out of your money.
The current mainnet is not decentralized, and the white paper doesn't describe a working decentralized, sybil resistant solution.
Learn some programming brainlet, you're getting scammed blind and have no fucking clue kek
why would it be a joke you thundering newcunt? stop pretending to know anything about anything
stop freaking out over a little volatility
also buying the top of a pump is retarded but at this point you might as well hold, just think of all those fuckers who bought when link pumped to 1.4 a few weeks ago, those fuckers already got a 2x out of fomoing
Bad idea.
yeah.. hindsight is 20/20
Shut the fuck up pussy, you'll be gold
Normies are waking up to Saturday am right after payday and there’s a new token on their Coinbase for $3.50 that’s gained %1000 percent over the last month.
Pee Pee Poo Poo Pajeet ID
I think it's satire like How George Orwell wrote Animal Farm but he was really a socialist the whole time he just didn't like pigs.
see u later alligator
>abandoning his one chance to succeed in life
Technical indicators