Unironically I get to eat this for lunch each day will you poor fags eat shit

Jealous poor fags?

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You can't be serious.

Spotted a jealous poor fag. Did you enjoy your Mcdonald lunch today?

as a third worlder i eat way better than this

real food, lots of meat and vegetables



That pile of table scraps might actually be pretty good for giving you next to nothing

Looks like a europoor has found there way in Jow Forums

>He eats carbs

What is the drink? Also that bread is shit. The meat looks alright though. 5/10

In case you were wondering what jealous poor looks like here it is. Check these replies above wow.

when i make it i'll have brooklyn bbq for breakfast, lunch and supper. mark my words.

reminder that new yorkers literally consider this pathetic assortment of table scraps to be top tier cooking. like, they actually wait in line for hours and will pay $40 for this.

Amerimutts really do have it the worst.

Attached: banadog.jpg (600x338, 47K)

i count 4 ounces of beer, three slices of brisket, two manlet sized buns and two thumb sized pickles. i'm going to guess you paid over $16 for this. this is going in my cucked compilation

Im American smart ass

Jealous again

Stfu poor. Craft beer which you would not be able to afford

americucks simply don't know how bad their food is, lol. it's all they've ever known so they assume it's not slop. it's literally the leftovers which euro markets wouldn't eat.

Attached: USA vs UK food.jpg (940x788, 306K)

>He wasn’t taught how to cook by the help
> He doesn’t have a personal chef
You’re not rich and you never were rich

Is this supposed to be an expensive meal? lol

$28 which is nothing to me.

What's worse is he saved this from another poster.

>no sauce
>no real sides
>no real plate
> unheated/no butter bread roll.

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'sup, nigger

$28 is not expensive to me because I am a bad ass. But to the jealous fags on biz they cannot afford that for lunch. That is more then they can afford to pay all day and it’s nothing to me just for lunch

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>$28 is nothing to me

And this.

I hate beer with food. Why do people do that

Jealous of your fucking Hawaiian rolls?
They sell that shit at walmart dumbass.

Where is this restaurant?

>get cancer, 5 star medical treatment with top tier medicinal weed


>get stabbed and die in the street because diversity but at least muh potatoes are regulated

the absolute state of New Saudi Arabia

What the fuck is wrong with that brisket? Was an infant in charge of slicing? This has to be the worst excuse of a Franklin's BBQ clone I've ever seen. Couldn't even get the butcher paper right.

i only, only eat well. i have to because of ulcerative colitis. i haven't eaten any junk food for 18 years. my diet costs me more than my mortgage used to, but holy shit is it worth it. you should never, ever scrimp on food, i mean it literally becomes you. if you eat mcdonalds you are literally turning burgers into your future self.
save yourselves: gaps.me

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they used to give those rolls to us with our chicken nuggies in the school cafeteria

Seriously? $28 is the cost of a fucking meal at applebee's or literally any plain old restaurant. You are gay.

>be american
>wake up
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>drive home
>get shot
>get shot
>get shot

No, that's a fake or setup pic. No one is paying $40 for 2 rolls, some beatup brisket, and a flat beer.

Cope. How does it make you feel that I can pay $28 for lunch each day and it is not even a big deal to me?

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i've seen an egg salad sandwich for sale for $36 in california.

I love brisket and all, but why not post something like king crab or some shit if you're really rich?

Craft beer is over rated and contains lots of phyto-estrogens. Real chads brew their own beer the traditional way and use beneficial herbs to make their beer medicinal.

I am considering buying a $40 steak tomorrow for dinner and again it would not even be a big deal for me.

Beer, Brats, and Tater tots
Fuck wrong with you!?

>in a Mason jar

I hope you choke you uncultured swine

Do you peasants even drink $1,100 per kilogram elephant shit coffee? Go have another nescafe you fucking embarrassments.

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prison meal

>drinking out of a jar
I want to beat you to death right now

this is a joke, right?

U need some veggies in there user, pickles dont really count
Haiwain butter rolls arent really my thing

Nigger I could unironically buy a 100 dollar meal everyday for the next 3 years.

Enjoy your cancer rolls.

The beer looks nice tho, i'll give you that OP.

Compare to this. God I wish I lived near good BBQ.

Attached: franklin bbq.jpg (2400x1815, 3.07M)

Its because our BASED govt is trying to get rid of poorfags and idiots that are dumb enough to buy that garbo.
Real chad amuricans spend thst extra literal dollar for quality healthy organic foods.
Only walmart shoppers eat from mcsleeze
Its a very orchestrated system of fading out incels

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When was the last time you managed to actually take a shit?

Oddly enough, wal mart has some of the best tasting organic blueberries I've been able to find. And we go way out of our way for most of our other groceries. Absolutely can't stand shopping in that place though. Jesus fuck.

So is it good? Have you tried that? I’m honestly curious. Maybe it’s the most delicious two bites of meat I’ll ever have

Gotta do what u gotta do man. Id say ur good with blueberries

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nice larp

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found the new fags

Is this 4rivers BBQ?

>this whole thread

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Seriously have you had that morsel? Everyone shits on it but I’ve never tried it. Maybe it tastes like pussy

Ah man a little jiffy peanut butter with that and you're set.

>get stabbed and die in the street because diversity

This, by the way, is the patrician choice.

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What prison is this user? We only get rump roast on the 1st of the month.

is that a fucking mason jar!
lol some places are weird

yeah user
you made it
looks good

Are you in jail?

LMAO also thought this

>he doesn't eat prime rib with jus/horseradish sauce with garlic baby potatoes and sauteed mushrooms every day


This is the real redpill. Just listen to Nixon in the watergate tapes. The current decline in American life expectancy is deliberate, and it doesn't affect the elites.


>HIV id

Good post though, sensible chuckles were had