It's still not too late, friends. 0xBTC is the true spirit of crypto!

it's still not too late, friends. 0xBTC is the true spirit of crypto!

Attached: 0xbtc123.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

Don't associate Akarin with this scam.

Why buy this, when there's bitcoin?
Seriously, bitcoin on ETH?
Stop shilling this scam. I know you want to dump your bags, but just stop.


Attached: D668BE16-7451-4780-9031-7CFB54CDFBE2.jpg (750x268, 106K)

bitcoin is 11,000 dollars

0xbitcoin is 40 cents

please go ahead and explain why you say it's a scam, if you are able to.

bitcoin maximalists believe anything that isnt bitcoin is a scam.

they hate the fact that 0xbitcoin has bitcoin in the name. they think they own the name "bitcoin" as some sort of copyright. pathetic.

they also hate that ethereum because its a superior blockchain. and now ethereum has its own version of bitcoin whih is mined and deflationary and has a total supply of 21 million and because its a smart contract that cannot be changed it's more immutable than bit coins which can have total supply changed by core devs in a hard fork.

0xbitcoin cannot be hard forked. its FOREVER. bit coins can be hard forked.

ok, i can understand people being suspicious about "bitcoin" in the name, that is not without reason. but 0xbitcoin is a faithful implementation of bitcoin as a smart contract. it would have been extremely weird NOT to make some reference to bitcoin.

here's what nik patel said in his recent report:
>0xBitcoin isn’t a project I’d heard of prior to researching this report, and even the inclusion of Bitcoin in its name made me a little dubious to begin with, if I’m honest. More often than not, any project that attempts to leverage Bitcoin in its name turns out to be at least somewhat suspect, if not an outright scam. However, I was pleased to find that this was absolutely not the case here, as you shall discover. In fact, this was one of the most interesting and unique small projects I’ve had the pleasure to research, though it is not without its faults, by any means.

also, 0xbitcoin is only 40 cents, in the meantime bit coins are over priced as hell for a shoddy token on a centralised blockchain.

there is so much clever dev work around 0xbitcoin. bit coin development is stagnated and lightening network is a famous joke.


0xBitcoin was a Jow Forums invented FPGA miner scam token.
Almost everywhere online 0xBTC threads are deleted, ie plebbit, its that big of a scam.
The actual daily 24hr volume on 0xBTC is under $10,000 - CMC reported volume is 95% wash trading
Don't believe me then buy $300 worth of 0xBTC and watch the price move by 20%

Around the time that these miners were pumping 0xBTC they shilled Jow Forums CONSTANTLY with it.
There was at least 15-25 spam threads about it daily up until they dumped their bags on all the anons buying in.
It was a coordinated pump and dump and these 0xBTC scamming faggots think that Jow Forums has forgotten about what they did.
Lots of anons were fooled into buying it at $2-$4.
Now there are tons of bag holders of this shitcoin and ALL of the 0xBTC threads on Jow Forums are made by these miner faggots where they coordinate Jow Forums shilling in their 0xBitcoin discord.

This project has a better chance of always being worthless than even worth $5.
No one will really tell you the truth about this scam because so many ppl were suckered into buying it on Jow Forums
Truth is, not many ppl are smart and wise to scams and it takes a high IQ to realize that 0xBTC is a miners scam token.
What's more is the FPGA miners mining this shit are now only making about $0.08/0xBTC and it keeps dropping.
It's incredibly not profitable for anyone besides FPGA fags to mine this shit.

Don't fall for this fucking miner scam token, its always going to be worthless.
>entirely community driven
>zero money for marketing or exchange listings
>scam artists for devs - who literally orchestrated a pump and dump on bizlets
>miner shill faggots who constantly spam threads about it bc they are so desperate for you to buy their bags because LITERALLY NO ONE IS BUYING THIS SHIT ANYMORE

What's more is that 0xBitcoin DOESNT EVEN PUMP WITH LEGACY BITCOIN!!
>do not reply to 0xbtc shills

(aka two people)


"RKERS"? not sure what you meant there. could you paste the whole thing a few more times?

do you have any kind of argument about this project you'd like to put forward?

It's bitcoin with smart contracts

short for lurkers
and I just did. Fuck off scammer. We're not buying that shitcoin. You fuckers shill it everyday and no one will buy it and people like me are gonna make sure no one will you fuckturd. Tell your whales on discord/telegram to go fuck themselves.

And dilate tranny.

bitcoin 2017 buyer detected. no need to get so defensive about buying a dinosaur coin at 18,000 usd. i know you just lose money in crypto constantly, but if you just eat the green eggs and ham you will like them sam i am

oh, are you actually going to try to talk today, rather than just posting your rotten pasta? very brave, that doesn't usually work out very well for you.

let's start wih the second line of your pasta. could you tell us what you mean by "Jow Forums invented" or "FPGA miner scam token"? can you provide any evidence for either of those two claims?

no one's buying your bags

i'll ask again. you claim 0xbitcoin was "Jow Forums invented" and an "FPGA miner scam token". can you provide any supporting evidence, or did you just pull those two things out of your dirty asshole?

i mean, anyone who investigates for a few minutes can verify for themselves that these claims are not true. but i want to know what you say about it.

I'm sure Craig Wright has the name bitcoin patented kek

you can't answer me or provide any evidence for your claims because your claims are not true, they are made-up nonsense. i just wonder what compels you to keep posting the same lies over and over. some perverse sense of purpose?

Attached: 0xbitcoin-bitcoin-for-ethereum.png (888x888, 148K)

They are right though.

please explain your point clearly.

if you ever get tired of having your nuts crushed, you should try not lying for a while, see how that goes.


Attached: 0xbitcoin-logo2.png (666x666, 78K)