Who /made it/ here?

who /made it/ here?

Attached: happy wojak ears2.png (645x773, 21K)

Noone on this board has more than $100 fuck off

Define "made it"

made lots of, maybe even THOUSANDS of $

Since I exchanged BTC to gold I've not needed to work

YIKES, I have 700 BTC that I bought at $50 each and I still work my wagecuck job for 9 hours a day. Making it is 25 million


i need $5m post tax to make it.

Suffice to say, I haven't made it.

Why do you need so much money?

is having equivalent of 300 btc /make it/ status?

Imagine beeing this greedy Lmao.

Just sell that BTC and invest it in dividend paying boomerstocks or something similar.

one measly 100x and I've made it

You are retarded. With only six figures someone can put a downpayment on some managed rental properties and live off of that. Or buy an established business and pay someone else to run it for you. With seven million, even after taxes you can just stick in an ETF and live off of that and never touch the principal.

On a measly 5% interest rate that's 250k a year.
I don't know about you guys but if I want to live a nice life I honestly don't think I'd even spend 5k a month.
I think 2 mil would be enough to retire.

you need to go back, twitchlet

I literally have 2m worth of LINK, how the fuck do I cash out without being buttfucked? I'm from Texas


Attached: Screenshot_20190628-213514__01.jpg (1080x339, 34K)

stop the ears faggot

but yes i have made it


are u new? u cant cash out

You know you can lend cryptos right?

Until it's just numbers on a screen, you have have nothing.

making it = cashing out