Next LINK? - FOAM project

sup pajeets? looking for the next LINK?


-Fixes GPS
-Small cap
-Only on Poloniex and Bilaxy
-Binance and Coinbase likely soon

Attached: 1_RGB5JaELo6G_JAGWcD67Eg.jpg (745x481, 14K)

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dude shh - i'm not done accumulating this yet!

Quick rundown of why the token isn't as useless as bancor or 0x?

A quick read through makes it seem extremely vulnerable to whales and cartels hosing people whether their data is correct or not, especially since (in every case so far) most tokens sit inactive without voting. Blockchain bloat seems like another potential issue assuming it's all on chain.

Look up "Dynamic Proof of Location." That's the secret sauce of the project. You're right that the TCR is less interesting/easier to game.

this is insulting. get the fuck out.

This is the work that convinced me.

They have demo'ed the tech with real radios recently:

I'm holding 20k bought in the ICO but I've pretty much lost all hope. The map is a mess and nobody is actively using it for anything. It "works" but the incentive structure makes no sense. I want to believe that DPoL will excite people more but I doubt it.

>I'm holding 20k bought in the ICO but I've pretty much lost all hope. The map is a mess and nobody is actively using it for anything. It "works" but the incentive structure makes no sense. I want to believe that DPoL will excite people more but I doubt it.

Why do you have doubts about DPoL? It's one of the things that gets me truly excited in CC right now.

Re: the map. The project is less than a year old. This is a chance to get in on the ground floor imo.

Halfway through, interest piqued. I'll read the full whitepaper later. Blog post is a bit too non-technical to judge if it's going to work and how hard the bootstrapping problem will be, which is kind of make or break. Good thread either way.

DPoL requires people to buy weird radio equipment to work. Seems a bit high effort for an experimental crypto project. Even regular mining is too technical for most people.

People bought ledgers, and they are weird too if you think about it.

I appreciate your point about mining, but mining is far more technical imo.

The radios will be off the shelf at some point. It's also worth thinking about the fact that the low frequency radios have a really long range. Not all the many will be needed.

But it's not just a matter of people setting them up somewhere, there has to be enough to form a network in a specific place. It has to be extremely profitable for early adopters for it to make any sense

This is my main gripe too. Bootstrapping this will be hard, unless someone has numbers to convince me otherwise.

You're right. I expect that it will be profitable, but yeah we will see. I'm planning to run at least three radios.

30% of the token supply will be used to incentivize the early adopters so the payout will actually be quite decent

This is going to 100x after Coinbase lists it.
If you like this project get some tokens and contribute to the map. We need more people involved in this.

Bagholder here. Expecting this to pop at some point soon^TM. Hugely ambitious project, will probably fail, but if it somehow succeeds it will be incredible. Not investment advice.

* Actual token with utility like MKR (stake to register a POI, TCR-reward based validation by "cartographers")
* Not just worthless MOE token like LINK
* Placeholder VC thesis:
* Why a decentralized GPS protocol is needed:
* Solid gamification potential:
* Live product (yes it works):
* Epicenter podcast:
* Integration with DeFi:
* FOAM tools launched ( &
* Well-conducted ICO, still on Poloniex not geofenced despite Polo recently geofencing a slew of tokens on its US site... bullish on Coinbase listing (look at LINK after CB listing)

Good to know.

Is there any reason it would be added on CB? It's trading with really low volume on polo, seems unlikely.

It's already been added to Coinbase Custody, so it's probably just a matter of time once volume builds.

It's already one of the only ERC20 tokens part of their custody offering

Even STOX is part of that, jesus. I wouldn't keep my hopes up just based on this


similarly useless token and tech that could be done by other teams, except they have clients and big collaborations

not on any big exchange yet


not many people know about it yet... it's one of the better projects out there and the volume being low is a huge opportunity to scoop some up

My bad Stox isn't on Coinbase Custody anymore, that's good since it's a literal scam piece of shit.

this. it's pumping on no volume. orderbook probably thin as fuck.

I picked up 100k under 3 cents. That's really on the money I feel comfortable throwing into this particular project

I would love to know the answer to this, given the chops of the team and the actual use case of the project.

Nobody talks about it, no marketing or hype, it's only on Polo.

And Bilaxy--better volume there (Eth pair though).

Bilaxy is sketchy as fuck. Binance/Coinbase is what this project needs but they probably won't add it until volume picks up.

Agree, re: Binance and CB being what the project needs.

I've used Bilaxy a ton to accumulate FOAM and have had zero issues, FWIW. There is also a little volume on Uniswap--watch for slippage though.

noob question, if I buy FOAM from lets say, IDEX, can I just transfer it to my cold wallet and keep it there till CB introduces it, then transfer to CB with zero problems?

Of course

It seems like a really cool idea. Can anyone tell me if the token will increase in value on anything but speculation though?

thank you fren

It's going to be nothing but a speculative purchase for the next few years. The map is fun to use though

Eventually, yes (look at the DPOL documents--people will get paid to help confirm locations).

In the meantime, though, it will be speculation. As LINK shows, though, speculation is more than enough.

Yes--it's ERC-20 so no issues with that at all.