,8599,1871066,00.html >In a study by scientists from the University of Cambridge, male City traders who had been exposed to high levels of testosterone in the womb were on average six times more profitable than those exposed to low levels of the hormone,8599,1730662,00.html >According to new research from the University of Cambridge, a male trader's daily testosterone level is higher on days when he makes more than he would in an average day. What's more, the higher a trader's morning testosterone level, the more money he'll likely have netted before the close of business that day. Testosterone, in other words, can be good for business
If you aren't pinning MINIMUM 250mg of testosterone per week you'll never make it. Also the higher male pheromones, increased muscle mass, confidence boost and decreased bodyfat will help with business, sexual and social success.
If you arent on Jow Forums as much as you're on Jow Forums you're not gonna make it
Isaac Anderson
I started taking 1 tsp of creatine monohydrate a day and it makes a huge difference. My muscles can do so much more. Great supplement, but only take 1 tsp a day, no more than that.
Daniel Gomez
dont fap for 1 month will producer similar effects, i want to try
Parker Young
Tfw when autistic traits is a sign of high levels of testosterone. We're gonna make it frens
Dominic Brown
I thought creatine was a meme
Grayson Jones
Have sex gymcel
Elijah Harris
I was assumed to be an autism and has Behavioural commonly described as “feminine” - complete with mantis and small dick
Tyler Lee
I drink raw onion juice and take ashwagandha, boron, shilajit, Tongkat ali, tribulus terrestris, maca, ginseng etc to up my Test without killing my nature Test.
Testosterone is amazing, except the more you have the shorter your life, statistically speaking.
Angel Miller
Change your diet and carefully calculate what you eat.
1. Eggs and Bacon for Breakfast each day 2. Spinach/Avocado/Onions w/ extra olive oil, and salmon for lunch 3. Bananas, blueberries, and Brazil Nuts as snacks 4. Vitamin D Supplement 5. Magnesium Supplement 6. D-Aspartic Acid 7. Reduce stress via more sleep/Meditation 8. Workout/Run everyday 9. Glass of pomegranate juice everyday 10.Cup of coffee each day
Xavier Davis
Better to die young and muscular than old, fat and frail?
Andrew Young
where do i find a high test women to make chad sons with and how do i identify one?
>tongkat ali >ashwagandha My negger. I haven't tried ginseng but I do go with raw red onions on foods when available.
Justin Davis
Is that for low T men compared to high T men, or are you stating that women live longer than men?
Tyler Kelly
NoFap produces a less than 0.1 increase in test over a week and then starts decreasing LMAO
Jace Mitchell
Why would I go to a board full of DYELs and skinnyfat lards?
Nathaniel Scott
Everyone just needs to eat more Chia seeds.
Jason Young
I'll just keep lifting natty, thanks
Asher Nguyen
It's a meme, but it can be helpful. Some people respond better to it than others. Even best case scenario, it's not a steroid - you won't be smashing through new PRs and putting on tons of lean mass. I find that I respond well to it and it helps me get a few extra reps out of my working sets during hypertrophy training. Just don't go overboard with it.
Anthony Rivera
anglo women have high testosterone, they all look like men
James Jenkins
sorry my estrogens better
Colton Garcia
Creatine is a fucking no-brainer. Literally the most cost-efficient supplement by an order of magnitude. If only it didn't taste like fucking sand.
Jaxon Nguyen
What the fuck is the point of going on/fit/? Anyone not a retard by now already should have all necessary fitness info inside his mind
The only thing fit is good for us entertainment. Biz is actually useful to keep visiting and staying up to date on the market
David Cruz
>2008 article, bullshit "science" with 17 persons. They were just taking more agressive trades and got lucky.
just mix it in a preworkout not a store bought, just make your own using crushed caffeine pills + creatine and beta alanine powder
Anthony Carter
Based on the looks of the CEO, holding UND is like passive testosterone injections.
Holding ADA is like....transitioning M-t-F Holding FTM is know...F-t-M
Oliver Butler
If your work is bugman computer shit and meetings where you only listen and don't lead, then of course T is bad for you. T is for leaders, not for you.
John Gonzalez
Mix in yogurt
Charles Morgan
I drink it with my BCAA during training. I know, overpriced and mostly a meme. I'll look into beta alanine. I live in a cucked country so I couldn't buy a proper preworkout if I wanted to.
Brandon Garcia
There are studies showing that higher levels of testosterone in the male body over a long time is linked with increased mortality, I believe mainly from cardiac issues. The ones I've read were comparing men to men, but I'm sure that has something to do with why women live longer than men on average.
Absolutely, just want to make sure everyone understands it's a balance thing
Owen Hughes
Nobody EVER talks about an actual way to increase testosterone. I will never understand you fucks.
reminder to stay natty and that doing deadlifts and squats will increase your test you NEETs
Kevin Turner
>Nobody EVER Because Jow Forums is absolute trash when it comes to actual fitness-related discussion. If you can get your hands on a good quality test for reasonable price, good for you.
Carter Bell
Once I make it I'll make it my life mission to become built as fuck
I've always liked the comparison of testosterone (even without PEDs) being akin to overclocking your body. The trade-off is basically the same as with PC hardware. More performance, shorter lifespan.
Thomas Bailey
literally every single natty thing to optimise testosterone combined and done perfectly is a drop in the ocean compared to actually injecting test this user gets it
Andrew Brown
250mg test a week can cost £5 a week.
James Perry
Reminder that if you had bacne, even moderate bacne in your teens, taking test will cause an uncontrollable breakout and destroy your skin.
Luke Ward
>If you aren't pinning MINIMUM 250mg of testosterone per week you'll never make it. the guy in your op (tony huge) is promoting soi bois to use one cycle in their early 20's to finish off puberty. not constantly being on, just the finishing touches that many never seemed to go through.
eat enough and you will gain 10lbs muscle min on your first 12 week cycle easily.
William Moore
I perma cruise on 500 Tbh
Caleb Diaz
ive been on trt for 3 years and i got liquidated on april 1st
Joshua Nelson
not if you control estrogen levels with aromasin and take a microdose of accutane my skin was a shitshow as a teen, since starting juice it's the best it's ever been (and taking some steroids like anavar and HGH can improve skin quality through boosting collagen)
Tyler Diaz
Chase Gonzalez
Do I need to do this if I'm aiming for figure like pic related?
Jow Forums is a shit board though. Its turned into Jow Forums 2.0
Noah Cook
If you take extraneous hormones you're no different than trannys.
Cooper Hernandez
Soak sun into your balls. (Generally get daily sunlight) Get to sleep around 10 30 each night (yes the time matters) and try to wake up at same time every day. Also eat a raw red onion each day (this brought back my morning wood just after 2 days) Avoid so y obviously and tons of other estrogenic shit like chia seeds. Also dont use the store brand deodorants antiperspirants. Replace with baking soda water paste. Also replace the brand body washes and shampoos with natural stuff that doesnt fuck with your hormone levels. And learn how to breathe into your balls without even thinking. This requires proper oral posture which Mike Mew can tell you about. The tongue and neck must be properly positioned to allow proper airflow and breathing. You will feel so much different after you figure this one out.