I'm gonna have a heart attack
I'm gonna have a heart attack
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i feel nothing
i am past feelings
i dont know if i feel anything either, is any of this real?
I’m shaking. I can’t believe this. I’ve made over 100,000 USD in 24 hours.
Its too easy, we gonna get tired of green candles
This. So much this
Same. Holding LINK is like developing a stronghold over emotions. I feel like I actively developed my ability to keep a clam state of mind lol. You just win!
This fucking this. These numbers mean nothing to me... I feel nothing
The more you have Link the less you feel: this is the truth
We donald trump now
Another 10x, realistic?
Women will hate you for this
i think this is why og marines will make it while only some of the nulinkers are gonna have what it takes. we have been hardened by an entire year of bear market while they simply got thrown into the bull run. i have become numb but this has also made me less reactive and more long term goal oriented. bless up
This has to correct hard.
Every time I check my Blockfolio I made another 1000$. Don't get me wrong, Link will explode in the long term, but all this normie hype right now might be really unhealthy. I bet 90% of the idiots buying right now have no idea what link does.
1 link = 2 big macs
You just win.
filename related
Even if it corrects 30% we’re still at $3, it’s unbelievable!
This is why i just sold everything, buying back in a few days.
>is any of this real?
oh this is just the beginning...
retail isn't what's causing this pump...
so tempted to sell and let it cool off but then i'll just get justed and it'll go to ten dollars
I'm going to have a heart attack because I sold at $0.50
this is some fine ponzi scam
> now have no idea what link does
it solving some none existing "oracle problem", its too complex that nobody can undesrtand it
but trust chainlink solve this problem, and buy this erc20 token sir
dump is going to be glorius
Maybe you should stay offline for a few weeks user, its not going to get less crazy from here
Im numb too. Only care about 5 years from now.
Im in europhia about reddit and no linker salt though. Seeing theme fomo for tiny scrap stacks
>Go all in on LINK at .25
>Put in every month more FIAT
>Manage to get over a Million LINK
>Dollar value grows by 2 Million dollar a day
>Still live in a shitty apartment in the ghetto, go to work every day and survive on 700 bucks a month
What now anons?
It's called stoicism. This means you will surely make it.
It's still a 200x from $1k
Reading different normie forums fomoing in etc it's so surreal
Biz you are a truly magical place
That's what people also thought at 20k bitcoin, don't get fooled user.
>we have been hardened by an entire year of bear market while they simply got thrown into the bull run
Legitimately this.
But also combined with our deluded mentality of having already made it, just wondering whats taking so long.
This I feel totally numb it's just numbers on a screen
>whales dump it from $4.70 to $3.70 in like 2 minutes
>immediately climbs back up to $4.50 once they stop selling
I wonder if the demand for this token is at an insane level?
Bless you user
It's time to step out and do good in the world
whats the story behind the future user screenshoot is that 81k BTC price in 2026?
>it's back to where it was 5 minutes ago
move to a better place user
buy some real estate and earn some passive income
I'm glad for last year, I almost miss it now. Cashing out is the focus now though, what at what point
You’re dumb enough to believe this is going to $81 k yikes
It's getting really hard to believe this is all real
>what link does
It does something? It is vaporware. This market is nuts.
the story is apparently I'm a time traveler (post related: warosu.org
also I somehow clicked into this and had a feeling that LINK would absolutely reach singularity so I scooped up a shitton more, I even spent another entire btc to buy LINK an hour before that post with the picture was made
>pic related
>my most recent link accummulation
It feels so surreal that literal NEET autists are gonna be millionares
>Sit down, alone, in a dark room, on the floor, arrange BIGMACS around you in a hexagon and sit in the middle.
>Breath in, Breath out
>"Not fucking selling."
>Breath in, Breath out
>"Never in a million years amd I fucking selling."
>Breath in, Breath out
>"Fuck Niggers, Fuck Spics, Fuck Kikes. But Especially, FUCK JANNIES."
>Breath in, Breath out
>"5$? Didn't sell, 10$? not selling, 50$? Hah, 100$? Still not selling Kikes. 500$? get fucked kikes. 1000$? NEVER FUCKING SELLING, YOU GOT THAT KIKES?"
>Breath in, Breath out
>"My Linkies stay stinky."
>Breath in, Breath out
>"1000$ EOY"
Remember to meditate daily to fight off jewish urges to (((sell))) your linkies.
We are all going to make it.
This is what AB and everyone said would happen, it was just delayed. The prophecies and larps are true guys, just accept that it is going to 1000
I don't know. I enjoy being invisible and considered poor, I like my job, I like my shitty apartment, I like eating potatoes, rice and frozen vegetables.
This is too surreal and real estate is way overvalued here. I will start with eating better food, maybe up my meat consume from 2 times a month to once a week.
>pic related
>my most recent link accummulation
Prepare the rope for this swingy
Also, having been around for antshares, raiblocks, eth parabolic moves, etc, this looks like it could fucking hit at least $100 EOY. I couldn’t believe when my $4 antshares went to $200 fuckingdollars but i just watched in disbelief as it happened
read again, btc not link
>The prophecies and larps are true guys
Sell half at $20 so you can be set for life, you'll still likely be a billionaire in half a decade.
People are getting scared because we went 100% up in a single day, this is only the beginning kids. The Singularity will be GLORIOUS
>tfw can't touch anything till were at least $500 a coin
This next year of gains will cause me more mental suffering than the year of losses.
I did the same with other ETH tokens.
They are all -99% now and I am stuck holding their shitcoin bags.
LINK has the same destiny.
its happened at least three times already, with BTC ETH and XMR and probably antshares too
>only a 0.5k linklet
>increasingly tempted to try and swing this inflated peak to grow stack
Someone tell me ill fuck it up please
>People are getting scared because we went 100% up in a single day, this is only the beginning kids. The Singularity will be GLORIOUS
fuggin chekked
>their faces right now
Did you cash out?
Your fud has no effect here kike.
Yeah, this 2 years have utterly destroyed me, and now that I'm empty inside, I think I can truly finally ascend.
We need a Sergey version of this video
Dumping Rinku-chan
>inflated peak
maybe yes maybe no
You're not alone fren, I'm also intending to sell very little till we get to 500 at least, I want serious upper 8 digit wealth & only way is to hold. I'll be right there with you fren we all in this together
Nu-linkers might be needing this one. Or not!
Link is gonna hit 10$ soon without having any fucking usage.. what the hell.
Imagine the price when staking is live and high value contracts are coming in.
100$ by December.
Some, not as much as I should have. I want all my fellow link marines to remember what I think is the most important investing concept I’ve learned over the years “live to fight another day.”
Instead of waiting for link to hit your number to get a million, cash out 6 figures of that along the way to lock it in. Not if that means selling the majority of your shit, but if you can sell 20% of your stack and lock in 100k profit, then fucking just do it
My waifu
Imagine moving your massive gains from btc to eth to link. Some of these neets are probably crypto billionaires.
Who drew these?
I'm... literally about to be a millionaire. Wtf.
Feelings are for mortals. We are transcending this reality.
There are no feelings outside of the human experience, hence we are past such things.
You actually going to be a billionaire then
i'd at least slowly sell at regular intervals. with million link even just 1% each time is still good money!
Never fucking selling you KIKE
I cant wait for Christmas in Jow Forums
Very comfy so far, no rope in sight.
no one is stopping you from eating potatoes, rice, and frozen veggies in a mansion man
A ex friend of mine who invests in crypto talked me down from link at 30 cents. I wouldve had a few suicide stacks. Now I only have 300. Someone pls hold me.
Yeh! When it'll drop to hell. Enjoy the feeling while you can.
I only have 100
Just sold enough linkies to cover my initial investment of $200, I'll never sell again, honest
You faggots have to be lying.
Nobody posting on biz could possibly be that retarded
I only have a 6k LINK stack but I don't think that it is enough to make it, I don't think I will ever be able to afford to get to 10k ever again and missed my chance for two years.
>becomes a multi-millionaire through BTC
>bets hundreds of ks or a million on ETH
Basically some NEETS are (virtually) richer than KSA princes.
I'd bet those people have been identified by govts or some private interests and are watched closely