Linkies are doubling up through FTM

All of Jow Forums is getting behind FTM for a 5x. Even Linkies are doubling up.
>Link corrects 50 %
>FTM 5x's up to ten cents

Biggest no brainer I've ever seen.

Attached: FANTOM.jpg (700x350, 81K)

just bought 60k, thanks

tx just bought 100k Scam

Racked up


200k here and feeling rather comfortable one might say

I hold both. FTM has more gains potential since link is already over a billion market cap. More of you count noncirculating tokens. It’s also clearly the second most shilled coin here and just like link biz will singlehandedly pump it and cause resistors to fomo in.

you sure?

Attached: stink.png (1639x821, 74K)

Attached: okex partnerhsip.jpg (2031x1528, 1.13M)

this is the shittiest shitcoin shilled on biz in a long time

This guy gets it. Ftm x10 very easy, another x10 for link? Not very realistic.

just bought a 5k stack

honestly I just want a new computer

Didn't people say that about link though?

this but unironically

any Jow Forums failures? kind of a Jow Forums newfag, had a few peeks back in 2016/2017, but never bit

Bought 600k ftm here

Tons. FTM has been shilled for a fairly long time now (as has Holo and LINK) so it may be safe.

LINK shilling and fudding was so much different. all the FTM shilling feels very fake and coordinated. the memes are shit. plus its just another one of these dime a dozen "better than ETH" coins that come and go every few months.

I have a 50k stack for easy 10x

I was here when LINK just got out of ICO and I'm sorry but that's bullshit. LINK shilling back was no different from any other shitcoin shilling. Don't rewrite history.

hurr durr ftm shill is cringe
hurr durr meems are shit
always the same retarded fud with no mention of fundamentals