Can this atleast 20x in the next 2 years?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-29 at 11.28.37 AM.png (696x1090, 660K)


No, it's a mess
Just buy link

it can and will. and you can 20x your eth if you play your cards right.


PoS and sharding is never happening.

>eth is terrible
>so buy erc20 token
makes sense

15x more likely

>Not knowing LINK is an ERC 20 token

LINK is blockchain agnostic you linklets

it is, HARMONY

yeah and two years ago you would have replied
>duh casper is almost done!!!11!

no but ETC will

Harmony already beat them to the punch

nice first mover advantage than lmao

20x in 2 years is doubtful but easily 10x

Longer term like 5-10 years 20x is more reasonable, just as long as it remains the dominant smart contract platform.

Personally I have longed my stack of 50 Ethereum on Nuo with 3x leverage as if predictions are right this summer it'll be listed on the NYSE and Fidelity. Currently its been trading at around $1500 this past week in the Greyscale Ethereum Trust.

It still runs on fucking eth mainnet lol

tf. I have more link than you but this is retarded

Ethereum Classic (ETC) will succeed. ETH is a mess but ETC will be the future.

Besides the upgrades coming in September in which it will be fully compatible with Ethereum and all of its upgrades. Ethereum Classic is planning to adopting oracle functions on top of its smart contract platform

>What about Chainlink?
Think about it, Ethereum Classic is the computer hardware and the command prompt. Most people struggle to use the command prompt.

Now imagine the oracle function of Ethereum Classic as a built in OS. Why do you think people use Microsoft Windows or Mac OS? It is built in.

Don't forget that Ethereum Classic also can create ERC-20 tokens like Ethereum. So image the Ethereum Classic oracle acting as an operating system for these ERC-20 tokens

>What is Ethereum Classic?
It is the original Ethereum blockchain that did not fork. Think of Ethereum Classic as BTC. Think of ETH as BCH

>Why Oracles for Ethereum Classic but not ETH?
ETH is going to proof of stake for its innovation. However, ETC wants to keep the original blockchain as much possible. By adopting oracles in its code, it can better accept correct information for its smart contract functions. Think of lightening network, but for smart contracts

Attached: ETC Race.png (740x493, 879K)

It's going to do 2X over the next week alone. It's the next big pump.

oh really, where is the code on github or pivotal tickets for the other blockchains

Its "blockchain agnostis" in theory they could swap it to other chain but thats not ez to do and unbumpy road

For now its on eth chain so they are kidna coorelated.



At least half of all new projects these days are running on ETH and/or are using ERC20 tokens (including LINK).

ETH 2.0 features are just a bonus.