You are reporting your link gains, right user? It would be a shame if you lose all of them or end up in prison

You are reporting your link gains, right user? It would be a shame if you lose all of them or end up in prison

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too bad my country doesn't tax crypto

how do u report them? I dont wanna get in trouble

Can't report what hasn't been realized.

If you’re on goyimbase don’t worry, (((they’re))) already know everything

Hold it right there goy. Why don't you just hire (((us))) to get you a tax deduction or skirt the current tax policy.

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I pay taxes on what I draw out

You mean free room and board? Don’t get these NEETs excited.

Suck my dick americuck
Tax free capital gains here

that's fine. But do I report it as income when i cash out or what do I do?

Coinbase gives you all the info.


That's assuming we are selling our link which we are not until $1000 EOY, So IRS can't do SHIT.

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Yeah it's not a good idea to try and evade taxes. I'll try my best, I'm almost entirely on-chain, because in 2017 I fucked up and used Bittrex and whatnot so I don't hvae my data. Luckily the taxes I calculated (over-estimation) aren't that much. 2018 is just losses.

Definitely DO NOT evade tax. Not worth it.

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I plan on reporting my entire 30k stack because I know that I'm holding a golden ticket and that my wealth will grow exponentially for at least the next ten years regardless and because it's the safest route.
>EOY 2019
>Have $30,000,000 worth of LINK
>30% taxes (combined state and federal capital gains)
>Send $10,200,000 worth of LINK to Coinbase
>Coinbase Jewry avoided as IRS demands Coinbase immediately approve $10,200,000 wire transfer to my bank account
>Pay IRS $10,000,000
>Live off of ($200,000-Coinbase fee) for a year
>EOY 2020
>Have $40,000,000 worth of LINK (which is most likely FUD)
The exact amounts themselves won't matter. The token rises in value as adoption of the network expands. I'm quitting my job in November and never looking back.

I'll just declare everything as a loss

Have sex

do you have to ekep track of every transaction? If I use coinbase I can just keep track of the bank transfers, right?

only not worth it if you live in a jewish country like america
it's pretty easy elsewhere

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Ideally, yes. Keep track of everything. Try your best. Be open and honest, and just comply.

No comment kek

Oh, look. A massive faggot.

taxation is theft