Link charts

this worry anyone?

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Bruh, only a retard didn’t already sell. What goes up this fast always comes down. If you believe these fucking morons saying hodl then you get what you deserve

then i shall eat my shorts

its that easy right? when it pumps you you just sell and rebuy lower.
trading i sooo easy. you're rich because you figured it all out

Everyone is expecting a correction. Move funds to XRP, wait for correction, move back to LINK, profit.

This is what us traders like to call “trading”

dump it, buy some BAT instead. thank me later

I just sold
see you at $2 next week

This is the dump. There will be no more dump after this. See the reason you think there will be more dump is because you are used to seeing the chart below. You see the giant green candle and think it must come down, that the current prices are too high, you see the whole history. The Coinbase buyers meanwhile can't even fill the page on the 1 hourly yet, they still have empty space. To them it looks like a nice launch and a tiny little pump with lots more room to grow.

And the second thing you don't realize is that todays "pump" was actually a rise to the bottom. Link has been so thoroughly suppressed by Binance bots, whales and market makers, that now it has been freed by Coinbase (a highly regulated legit exchange) it has risen to it's true value. This was not a pump, this was simply a correction to it's true value. This is the bottom, it's why there has been no dip yet.

The real pump hasn't even begun.

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Nothing can worry me after sibos dump. Do you understand how many shakeouts there will be to the top? Nulinkers unironically won't make it, not because of their tiny stacks but because of their weak ass hands.

Fuck you newfags, you deserve to get dumped on making FUD threads like this.

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i only sold 6% of my stack, if it does drop to $2 then im buying shed loads m8


big if true

Everyone on biz suddenly sold the top and wants you to sell too

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They've said this after every single pump after mainnet and yet EVERY time they've been wrong.

Swinglinkers are absolutely delusional these days, there's maybe 1% of them who've made money by swinging after mainnet.

The people telling you to sell are the SAME people who sold at google pump and said it was going back to $1. DO NOT listen to them.

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Except i listened to you morons say that at $2.40, then at $3, then at $4. You'll be talking about a correction at $10. This is price discovery.

This. I swung based on my "researched TA" guess what. My 2.5k stack is now 900.

Attached: this worry anyone.png (1192x626, 56K)

sold 6% of my link profits and bought some xrp here boys

The support is so crazy never seen anything like it. There is clearly a market at $5 and at $6 bc people bought at those prices already. So that means we’re going there. Recommend just buying more.

Where did this XRP meme begin? Why not just go BTC or some stablecoin?

It’s possible it will keep rising, but I don’t think it’s going much higher. These people who own link are not gonna like what happens when Bitcoin crashes...

???? I’m not trying to trigger taxes

link is decoupling

its unironically over.. oh my fucking god

I fought hard for my 2.5k stack, it's my everything.
I have to go to wagie soon, I don't know what do to, sell and maybe get to buy more linkies tomorrow, or get fucked with less.
Or just hold them tightly at take whatever happens, I already held from $1 to like $.23 before this.

Im a newfag and my hands are ironclad. If we dump I accumulate more, this time for my family and loved ones.

Im with you linkmarines to the bitter end or the sparkling heights.

it went up 100% in 3 days of course it's gonna dump

>you had 2 years

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not buying FTM with LINK gains, not gonna make it.

this it drops after every pump but is still above previous plateau. It will probably dip to 3.30 at worst, Ive said this everytime....

woah this must be the same strategy that swingies used at ~$1.00, $1.15, ~$2.00, and ~2.20
you do realize how long link's inevitable rise has been in the making, right
hey, let us all know how your swinging works out in a future thread; here's a good pic that you should use so that we can identify you

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2.5k here too user, don’t fall for the fud. If we wanna make it we gotta have titanium hands

>also pic related
Does THIS scare you?

Attached: linkwhale.png (418x116, 10K)

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also, checked

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Nigger you cant predict when google is gonna publish an article or when coinbase is gonna list it. That's part of the gamble but if you're just day trading then it's unlikely.

>~$1.00, $1.15
uhm yes sweetie, it is, and we made off like bandits


I managed to grab an extra 100 today just swinging, I could've got more but it felt too risky.
I'll finally take my initial out so at least it can't be worse than 2018

>that prediction

y'all need to zoom out of your hourly's...
if you're not long on link then what the fuck are you doing with the coin?

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Majority on coinbase are selling now lmao

There’s so much coping going on here... look, plenty of idiots have stayed in lots of coins including btc, eth, vet, etc. Because it mooned and all these morons on biz said “but the fundamentals!” link ain’t gonna be used for shit. Accept that, sell now or regret later, I don’t personally give a fuck. It could keep mooning, but it’s already slowed down, people are taking profits, don’t be the faggot left holding bags. Or do. Who gives a fuck but enjoy being poor if it’s you

Here's some peanut butter to go with all your jelly

Attached: peanut butter.jpg (1500x1500, 200K)

Sell now, buy the dip.. better a swingie than a wagie brah

Bout to fall off a cliff any minute now