Tfw silver stacklet

>tfw silver stacklet

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What’s the current marker value of that silver?

>tfw 24k gold chainz

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Silver is the money of gentlemen

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anyone ever try paying for shit with silver? My barber seems like a pretty conservative boomer type, with tip I give him $20. I was thinking of giving him the choice between $20 or a silver eagle next time.


One 10 oz bar, one 1 oz bar, and 4 1oz coins.

1 oz silver = 13.42 USD right now, so $201 + merchant bullshit.

If that top right coin is gold, that's 1 oz = 1,409.40 USD.

It's been a rough period for bullion investors, but this latest spike has put a lot of people in a great position.

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Is this a no-brainer to buy? What's the catch?

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I bought gold and silver for the first time earlier today. Ready for the end of the world now.

how are these prices? was thinking about getting 100 leafs for my first purchase that. the catch is, you can only buy it once time per customer so they get you hooked on silver user...i bought that before, and the same package from provident metals

You pay tax on it.

you can only buy it once

what sort of tax? VAT?

Whatever state your in.

in the UK and EU yes, in america, depends on your state. In Canada, there no taxes on bullion that is .999 percent pure.

A lot of boomers are literally fucking retarded, they actually believe shit like social security works because the news force feeds it to them like a baby. Never get rid of your silver.

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Shoo shoo pajeet

Are precious metals a worthwhile investment? I received a few hundred dollars as a gift and I thought about just buying some bullions.

Seems a lot safer than just buying crypto

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The only time you should pay with silver is when you're exchanging it for currency.

they probably have a contractual obligation with the buyer to sell a minimum X, and this helps them hit that number.

How many people are looking for exactly 10 oz of silver as an investment?

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i've been very bullish on welding slag, any day now!

hehe jealous burger xdd

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that really is the best deal you can find. usually you have to pay around a dollar more than the asking price.

Thanks for the help guys, just bought it.

So no?

Are there any good investments left?


silver is a meme

I forgot to say tho

Gold is lindy, crypto shitcoins are not

Yes, PMs are worth buying.
No, they're not an investment.

very cool user when society "collapses" you can trade one of those for a broadsword.

was there a spike? the current price seems to be the same as 5 months ago

anyone know a europe/dutch site that has these one time deals?

There will be no societal collapse, shit doesn't work like that. You get economic recessions, hyperinflation, currency resets, etc. which are all scenarios where PMs would increase in value drastically.

>biz queers think they know shit about survivalism or cataclysm
>thinks gold will save his ass

Absolutely laughable. A wise man once said you can have all the gold in the world but you can't eat it after cataclysm.

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silver is a pajeet tier shitcoin

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Please be joking

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Those are fake chains

Have sex mad Max fantasy incel.

fuck, do u guys think im serious is this actually how bad silverfags/goldfags are? i was just joking...

Precious metals are lindy, memecoins are not

Not sure why you thought that wasn't a joke. Aspies should not post on this board. Please return to your containment zone.

silver is money
everything else is credit

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at least you have real money
now, that silver could become even better money: mathematical money

this post is made by CIA

You’ve got a Troy pound that’s a good start, not much less then me, I’ve got 24 Troy Ounces of silver and .1 Troy ounce of platinum, just started, buying more every couple weeks

Don’t buy fucking over priced coins, by silver rounds or junk silver for fractional and 10 oz bars to pad your stats

Gold miner here again

looks like I wont be working for about a week, creeks gone to high to work next to properly and its not going to stop raining for a few days. Guess I am stuck inside shitposting with you guys.

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>Buying Rocks

Based PanMan
What mountain range do you live in?

Chad here

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Stfu glownigger

Holy fucking Based and redpilled

I'd say about tree fiddy

Silver stacker here! Working towards my goal of 1k oz silver 10 oz gold and 5 oz platinum.

Melt them down into coins you degenerate

Leafs are highest quality and easiest to unload come time to do so.
Based. You sluicing or panning?

That coin is going to be worth so much more than $20. Just pay him the worthless fiat money and hoard the silver.
It's like paying for a pizza with bitcoins back in 2010

maybe you could use that silver to buy new hands you fucking ogre

This! So much this!

my hand is perfectly normal

Imagine buying Boomer minerals

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Your index finger has a mushroom tip but otherwise yeah it's normal.

Silver has been a valued currency and commodity since Ancient Greece was minting Silver Drachmas

Out of curiosity why do you buy 1 Ounce bars? If I’m buying 1 Ounce I always buy coins

Yanks Peak in the Cariboo Gold Fields of British Columbia. Great gold and silver out here.

I have a rocker box and a long tom sluice. I sluice the overburden than I clean the bedrock and run it through the rocker box as its easier than lugging buckets of material out of the holes.

fuck forgot the photo

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Why do you stack silver?

If you're into it for prepper sake I suggest you practice selling it to see what it's like and how easily you can sell what you have. I bought a lot of bullion but I find it harder to unload so I prefer junk silver a lot more.

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I've traded silver direct for goods and services on forums before. I traded some for star strek memorabilia once.


it's facing the camera retard

Silver is troy oz and platinum is regular. Cause they look cooler.

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also, if anyones ever in my neck of the woods, heres a little "treasure map" of sorts. I cant be bothered to go to this spot so I am posting it here for others.

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just go dig in an unstable, abandoned mine I'm sure nothing bad can go wrong with that.

well its a trench not a tunnel, so its a lot safer than going underground.

Moderate silver hodler here, 1700 ounces deep, working on it since late 2015.

What I buy now - lowest premium while being recognizable and hard to counterfeit, buy a lot of the same thing so it's easy to determine value and sell some % of your stack quickly.
For me in Canada thats maples, RCM 10oz and 100oz bars. I also get a 1kilo and 10oz kookaburra each year for fun but it's not a good investment.
Don't be that guy with 500 different coins each in a plastic airtight, that is going to be a nightmare to price it out and sell each piece once you need to.

We are all gonna make it senpai

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I need to make a few 1 kelo bars they look so much better than the 1 ounce ones.

yeah agree the 1kilo bars look fucking based

I thought about doing a 1 kilo gold bar but I dont have that kind of gold yet, so instead I ve gone with casting little coins instead.


These bars were paid for in full by those who bought my STRAT tokens for $12 and $8.5 in January and March 2018.

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How do you go about finding gold like this? Do you just pan around historical gold finds or what?

These coins, too.

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Holy shit.

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I did it with strat but I recommend current LINK holders to do similar things.

At least scale SOME (not even all) profits out if you won big time.

All the big time coins and even Dogecoin had to bend the knee eventually after pumping to the moon.

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sell your rocks and all in CHR before the boom

holly shit

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I apprenticed under several miners / snipers and have a degree in geology and archeology. Basically I look at the old claim maps and look for areas where miners had "gentleman's agreements" or similar where no one could legally mine, places where claims overlapped each other, where water ditches crossed claims and camp sites. These areas were off limits from mining until all parties were satisfied. That didnt happen often.

I also spend a fuck load of time looking, 90% of my time not mining is looking for new areas that might have been missed before.

Holy Shit Mate

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holy FUCK, how much is that? not in dollars

>cant afford a phone with a decent camera

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A camera is only as good as the autist silver autist holding it with one hand to hastily take pictures of his stash.

i have 16 oz. in sovereigns mixed between us, aus, can, and austrian philharmonikers

Sounds pretty interesting. Is it more of a hobby or are you actually making a living off this?

Why not just buy a silver/gold Rolex instead of bars?

I ve got around 32 -33 ounces Au so far this season. Hoping for 100 at the end but lost a lot of time so far to shitty weather. I usually make a fair living at it, supplemented with work for other miners.

Not too bad at all user. Are a lot of people doing this kind of thing?

they are like cryptocurrency that you physically mine and physically store.

>full of deutsche mark
ya want to summon some new reich with these?