Im ironically getting Raiblocks vibes

The only currency that actually has a chance to do what people want Bitcoin to do, and that’s act as a payments transfer. Bitcoin will be a store of value, nano will be mass adopted and used to actually purchase things. When nano is over $100 each, the price will stabilize and will become even better and will be adopted as the worldwide currency.

You can call it a plebbit coin, even though I remember seeing it here first.
You can say it’s dead (that’s what they said about btc too)
You can say no hype, but as soon as it starts going up, the hype always comes back.
Nano is the type of coin that moons for weeks at a time. Once it starts to pop off this time, I will go right back up to $6 and keep mooning to over $10, $20, $30. Like it already has before.

Attached: DFAF14C7-4F97-4E1B-AAD0-9B5E96BCED1D.jpg (1136x591, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't understand why a currency coin would gain value. If people just want a store of value/gains like BTC, they won't use it as intended. The best case scenario is that it "stabilizes" with massive adoption but what would stop it from dumping when people are loading up for ~1.50? I like nano, the tech is cool, but why would you ever spend it if you think its going to go up? And once it does go up, why wouldn't you just sell it?

Bitcoin was called dead 1000 times. Link was called a scam. Why u afraid of nano?

U must not enjoy money.


Nano will be used in forex markets. That’s one of many use cases for instant FEELESS transactions.

If any currency has a shot at being mass adopted as opposed to a store of value, it would be one that doesn’t have fees as that’s what most are used to.

Anyway even if it’s never a global currency, it will find use cases that have t been dreamed up as yet.

Forex is a great start though. That’s what’s being worked on at the moment.

Yeah thats what I said at 1.70. Thought I was literally stealing at those prices. Look at me now. Just buy BTC like the rest of us.

It’s called patience. Most alts got hammered when btc mooned. Nano was .77 cents a few months ago


Attached: nanfas.jpg (432x297, 16K)

v systems might be first crypto that can scale

Top 5 coins 2019 EOY:

cap this

Attached: 2154326643345.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

lots of habbenings once v19 is complete. load your bags now or FOMO later

What about this? If it needs all full nodes to store the entire chain it isn't scalable. If you chop them up so the more nodes you have each one has to store less then it's scalable. I tend to think sacrificing security for performance and scalability can be fine for certain applications but nano seems to only have the performance part.

fudding this hard. not acknowledging dynamic proof of work to progressively scale the work involved for spammers. buy signal.

Thanks bought 100k.

Its losing value in sats, whats your point? Just buy btc.

What is v19? Roadmap? Spoon feed me daddy.

How does dynamic pow work? Just curious. Couldn't spammers just have thousands of accounts and it would look like different users normal transactions but would actually be spam. The only way to punish the spammers would be to punish the entire network

You haven't heard? It's alt season friend, the mythical time of plenty has returned. Buy relatively low cap shitcoins, receive BTC.

thats not even true though

98%, release candidate 5 is live
not sure, it is still in development but fairly close to completion. there are algorithms which will be used to identify transactions that are considered spam or malicious. kind of like email I suppose.

We will find out soon. I just got back into alts for the last few days and the ones I picked so far are all up or at least holding BTC value.

>instant FEELESS transactions
This is not a thing
That's not how things work

I know it blows my mind too
can't wait until we can browse websites and watch movies for free