I'm all in on LINK...

I'm all in on LINK, but is there something that will outperform/ outpace link in the short term to help me increase my link stack?

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About 4 feet of rope should do.

no link is going to be the greatest investment of the 2020s. no reason to go into anything else

Stay salty nolinker

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Not sure about this, but it's definitely the safest bet

Based and checked. Ok sorry Sergey for even asking

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Unironically OMG
the next CB listing

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I bought link at $2.90 and this is the comfiest i have been. Getting to save all these memes. I really feel like I am a part of something now.


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We've just reached 4.40$, like it or not, there's gonna be a pullback.
Load up on some ONE, you'll thank me

trust me bro

That's exactly why I bought at 40 cents... Felt wrong saving the memes without having some money in it

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Sounds like a fucking swinglinker to me.

Go ahead sell, buy some literally who pump and dump shitcoin that's the flavour of the week on Jow Forums.

You will be buying LINK at $10.


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only link gets digits like this

Dubs for fuck jannies

Motherfucking checked.

You should check UBT. Hint: the circulating supply decrease, because clients have to lock tokens to use the framework (these tokens are out of the market forever). Read the token model!

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>pic related

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