Pie coin

Why aren't you pumping pi coin ??
Don't miss opportunity and accumulate it!

Ref code:marx

You can use any other ref code, they are practically same but my one brings extra luck to your portfolio and your gains will be fascinating.


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What's the rationale behind it going to $20?

No one knows the price, no one could even guess.
In reality-worth the shot.

Use code tfue

It's even hard to guess when it will have a price at all.
Better to have a shit ton of coin than to regret latter.

I have 1k i was just wondering. Even a dollar would be great

How much do you get mining? I have a spare s8+ i can leave on all day.

it's funny how something named after a mathematical concept has such a short lifespan.

Depends on amount of refs, also 5 security circle gives you gain.

Btw main thing is you don't have to leave your phone on, it doesn't use anything, you just have to activate it every 24hrs, to show your contribution.

You know it's brand new?

So your phone does nothing you just make money off of referrals.
I might as well sell pots and pans or cosmetics to my neighbors and shit. Fuck it's timeshare time.

>to activate it every 24hrs, to show your contribution.
>show your contribution.
>brand new?
It has less than 90k users, for now they are giving it away for nothing to gain audience.
Soon enough they will start a real mine app-pc based

you're deluded go sell steak knives

sure it is faggot.

Invitation code: Spade

Jow Forums anons welcome, it costs nothing but your time to set it up and reset once a day.

Mainnet should release Q4 2019
thats the time when the real mining starts
and its based on the Stellar consensus protocol

i will be mining every day, if you want use my referral

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Use code “CrummyWiz” to mine like an absolute unit


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>I might as well sell pots and pans or cosmetics to my neighbors and shit.
>go sell steak knives

I'm not shilling, haven't made up a single thing, you don't have to buy anything, just sharing info, don't like it? Move along.

Literally started at May

Early stages, you don't wanna miss out if it does turn into something other than some writing on a paper
Costs you nothing to "mine" right now
Lets hope it goes somewhere

invite people to earn more ?
sounds like a scam

Use code haxing to get bobs and vegana

Why not mine electroneum?download in app store & use my code E6742E. Like pi, but established & has value. Been pumping lately too

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Used your code, mate!

Everyone else use code: worldmoney

Let‘s get real comfy, accumulate pi and shill the ref codes.

pi coin reminds me of multi- level marketing. expanding your node to get others below you to contribute to your mining.

Great project and code, but I don't think it will actually take off. Also I have Pi-coin on my phone.

Thanks Shawn, I used your code.
Jow Forums anons are welcome to use my code.
I have already made 1.5
Invitation code: istanbul
You can download the app from app store. App is named Pi Network.
You can download .apk for androids.

invitation code: istanbul

google play took down this social experiment for the scam that it is
enjoy your botnet simswap niggers

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Used your code

Mine is: australia

the code BOOST double the mining rate

There is no second tier referral, no pyramids.

Use pizzafox if you’re feeling it :)

Not rly, it will get back soon as problem will be fixed.

>pic related reason to hurry up

Attached: Screenshot_20190630-045619_Pi.jpg (595x556, 166K)

use this code if you want to find the next 100x

CODE: kripptonian

Dont listen to the fraudsters use code maggie99 for unlimited and clear financial gains sirs my mining rights are 10x more than the other

use code: bradfo
minepi. com *backslash* download

elite og circle

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Invitation code: Spade

All Jow Forums anons welcome to join us. Pi is currently at 80k users and halves at 100k which reduces mining by 50%. The time to mine is now!