>what’s the first thing you’re buying when chainlink hits 1k at the EOY?
What’s the first thing you’re buying when chainlink hits 1k at the EOY?
I don’t care about buying random shit, I just don’t wanna wagie anymore
a small house inna woods
You’re quitting McDonald’s user?
'freedom, the word i believe this user is looking for. and same
Why not a big house user?
No I actually have a pretty decent job but it’s in Hollywood so that’s obviously a fucking nightmare
Money can't buy what I long for
Because nobody really wants a big house. They want one thats just right for them. Having a big house is just an artificial desire engineeres by the jew to one up everyone else because its a "sign of wealth". Truly wealthy people need no such articles
You're one of those conspiracy theorists that always whine about "da jooz did it".
lol what do you do? how long is your commute?
Hollywood is fucking hell
Don’t you want to shit on all these Jews though?
California’s traffic is ridiculous when the fuck are we going to automate transportation
Jew spotted
will literally walk up to girls asking if they wanna fuck for money and record everything including the offer. i'll just keep offering money until they yes. to answer your question i'll spend my money buying really good counterfeit 100$ bills.
Medium size house, grand piano, Honda Civic hatchback, that’s really it.
Crypto lambo
With our linkies we can change the world :)
Lads tbqh I don't even know why I want to "make it"
I just wish I could never have to work a day in my life to be able to spend all time with my wife and kids
But I don't have a wife or kids
The Jews are responsible for our current world situation as they control the earth. You could make the argument that we are to blame for the way things are by letting them take over.
Sry you can’t see this reality. Either that or you are part of the (((club))) and are just muddling the waters with deceit and trickery to keep us from waking up.
Unironically will buy some land, make the land extremely self sufficient (water collection, solar, etc..)
And then start a farmers market to sell what I grow.
So you’ll be a pornstar, user?
I’ll race you with my Crypto ‘rarri
Let’s automate traffic! It’s simple, most of the time cars are just parked. We can change the market by having automated self driving cars that will serve as taxis. These cars will go at insane speeds on highways and freeways since they can all communicate with each other therefore there is not much risk as humans driving.
Quit user, I’ll send you linkies.
What will you sell user?
Jews destroying our earth is the only reason crypto is here so count your blessings
Jews are responsible for our fucked up youth.
I'll go to work like I always do and when the owner comes in I'll tell him his rent is going up
then I'll offer him like 100k for his stupid pizzeria
>1 post by this ID
Youre one of those sheep people that always think their overlords can do no wrong and are blind to everything in front of them
All memes asides, it would be a miracle if Chainlink hits... 15+ EOY
Couple cups of coffee
>Quit user
Quit what? I don't even have a job yet
I do research at uni as part of an advanced placement kinda program and they give me 400 BRL (~$90)/month to """""""fund""""""" it. That's my only source of income
I live with my parents now, but dad's about to buy a motorhome and go out with mom on a never-ending trip and I'll be alone
I'm so afraid of being alone, man
Nah, not really. I refuse to stoop to their level of material worship. A camel cannot fit through the eye of a needle
Traffic automation is about 5 years out user.
Greens like lettuce and spinach
Trees (legal and illegal)
Pretty much any kind of crop.
Ferrari design >>>>>>>>>>>> lambo design
Only good lambos are the one off models driven by rich asian billionaires
Jow Forums
Do grapes
I love grapes
Im gonna treat my entire family to big macs
im gonna buy the worlds most comfortable mattress and sleep like a fucking king
delet this
Beat vr setup available, drugs, float tank, house with some land. I’ll raise some animals and have a good sized garden, solar panels, shooting range and a well. See you fuckers on the other side
That's my favorite Ferrari model by far. And you're right.
Life is too short to wear shitters
a giant green dildo statue, which i shall put in my frontyard
Hopefully a few niggas once Donald wins his second term and hopefully brings back slavery.
Who ever got the idea that this blue and this red looked good? That looks like absolute dog shit. Not to mention the jubilee bracelet on this looks horrible.
Absolutely disgusting watch.
You have shit taste
>nice house on 10 acres in comfy southern college town
>will add a recording studio, art studio, home gym, and library
>comfy 2 br apartment in Manhattan
>comfy ocean front house in Caribbean
>will spend half the year recording albums in my studio and releasing them on my own label with my friends
>will spend the other half traveling and going to different cities for sporting events, concerts, lectures, museum exhibits, etc
>go to nyc whenever I’m bored
>go to beach whenever I need to get the fuck away from it all
>write fantasy novels
>compose music for indie vidya
>invest in cool VR and AI startups
I don't need it to hit $1000, I just need it to hit $300 and I'll have a million.If you get a million dollars under the age of 30, You are statistically more financially sound than 60% of people in America. Once I get my millions I plan to put it all in bonds/dividend and live off the interest. I'm going to sell half of 5k stack at $300-$400 so I can quit my job
The finest diarrhea prevention medicine rupees can buy and a couple alligator floaties for my afternoon swims in the Ganges.
Agreed, what stupid nigga would spend $20k on that piece of shit.
Are you a racecar driver? No? Then why the fuck would you buy that ugly, gaudy piece of shit?
I agree with this user, The red/blue are rare if you bought one back in the 60's but they look absolutely shit. I think expensive watches are a waste but if I were to get one I think I would get something used that looks like this.
Enjoy spending 20K on a watch with the most stupid color scheme. You could even go for a hulk if you enjoy looking like a tasteless idiot.
Two tone DateJust are nice, agreed.
Can you still send me some spare linkies tho
The patrician choice
I don't know.
I don't even need money. I literally torrent anything i want. Been years since i spend my money on anything related to media.
I seriously don't know why i am even stressing myself so much to get money. I have a comfy business where i do nothing all day. I even play vidya and post on chans and watch anime.
I guess I'm just trying to make it for the fuck of it. Life is fucking boring.
Probably just a normal sized nice white suburb McMansion. Get solar panels. Maybe get a tesla s but keep my current car too. Travel wherever I want first class. Help close friends and family. Maybe do open studies at university in shit I'm interested in.
im gonna go to hong kong for 30 days
based, but why wouldn't you buy an F. P. Journe or patek?
However I'm having a hard time which house to buy. Houses in Orlando SUCK
I want to work less hours so I can spend my days with my big family too. I just need a big family and enough time make it to quit work too. I think they will go hand in hand.
I only have 1,000 stink links. So I can't buy a lot. Maybe a nice $750k house, put 20% down on it. Day trade 250k. Buy an M6.
Another shitcoin
Daily reminder only kikes spell Jews like that’s
Probably buying a business and my mother a small apartment.
>big family
How many kids do you have?
It’s 18 miles and I drive out the opposite times of rush hour, but California is still shit I’m getting out of here ASAP
Buy cheap land in along a major telecommunications line in a remote area with permissive or non-existent real estate building codes & taxes.
Build a 1,999 square foot hexagonal house with blue & while roof shingles arranged in a pattern reminiscent of the ChainLink logo when seen from above using an adaptation of the Thimbleberry design with the entire basement primarily dedicated to ChainLink nodes.
Build another 1,999 square foot hexagonal house with the same roof pattern as the other using an adaptation of the Grandview design connected to the first by a hexagonal lambo-garage-slash-workshop surmounted by an open-air deck.
Wouldn't get this one but i was sitting next to a guy with a big boy rollie at the bar yesterday and got to thinking....
Have you checked your local KFC lately?
my parents a new house
I hate chicken
gonna build the ethnostate
AMG G Wagon
>I hate chicken
LOL, you mean 1k sats? There's no way this shitcoin is going ANYWHERE but down. Nice delusion thread
What is it that money can get you to be happy?
Nothing. Money can't buy you a loving family
Maybe not a loving family, but I bought a new car with crypto and that has improved my life. Feels good frens
Also put a downpayment on a 1 bedroom luxury apartment.
it's not a family, but it's going to make raising one a bit easier if it keeps going up. 1k eoy. life is good fren
Happiness is only real when shared with people you love, man...
An odd anomaly, no?
Get a house pet or spend the time lifting and hanging out at an Olympic lifting gym so you get jacked to attract more pussy.
The blue and red was the standard bezel for dive watches when they were meant for diving. Its iconic. Get some taste.
Rolex is for retards
Patek and audemars are for mega retards who think a watch designed in the 70s that can't even do 10m water resistance is worth 80k. Muh polished every little cog you'll never see lmao
Get an a lange and sohne if you want to blow money
Or better yet buy a fucking quartz Seiko and leave the watch meme to basedboys and niggers
treasury bonds so i can live off of the interest
A luxury watch is a nice heirloom if you're wealthy. And they look great if you wear a suit. But I'd never spend more than 10k on one
Based. My only Rolex is a 1995 GMT Master 1 Pepsi. I love that fucking watch
a sailboat I can live on. I want to be a swole beach hermit
based and Tedpilled
New clutch for my mid 90s carolla
it's fucking weird, if link were to hit 1k right now and I cashed out I don't think I'd buy anything, I'd probably just look to reinvest some of my stack so I can get some passive income outside of crypto and keep some in fiat so I can pay bills/buy food
I'm not even memeing, the #1 thing I want is a new house but the process of buying a new house would be kinda long, plus I might not want to even stay in this country.