The stupid LINK fud syndrome is killing me. Especially: lack of uncertainty

The stupid LINK fud syndrome is killing me. Especially: lack of uncertainty.

T. 1.5k linkie

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Other urls found in this thread:

>T. 1.5k linkie
No one cares. No one. Stop mentioning how fucking poor you are in your posts. It doesn't matter. Your stack is so insignificant that this thread doesn't even deserve to exist.

Do you want some money now? Sell

Do you want way more money later? Hold

this, go die nulinker

>T. 1.5k linkie
opinion discarded

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1.5? Come on man, that is so small, why would you care what happens. You ain't making it with that anyway, just go for the ride, live your life.

Sell and buy bitcoin.

>4:42 long

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with a stack that big, all you can hope for is suicide prevention when LINK hits $1000 eoy

>Do you want way more money later? Hold
mfw I'll have more money later plz

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Get the fuck off this board. There are people who watched their portfolios drop by $100,000 today. And they continue to hold. Why? Because they’re smarter than you.

>There are people who watched their portfolios drop by $100,000 today. And they continue to hold. Why? Because they’re smarter than you.

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The pink wojaks will be GLORIOUS for you idiots buying a literal scam token. You best be better off buying eth, that is if you have balls.

Ps. Have sex


not even trying -2/10

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this is a bitbean thread now

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>this is a bitbean thread now

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it's beautiful

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how could you even hear a bean
when it's out in space
seek the stars
seek the b e a n

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Fine, dont worry as I'll kms soon.

But I wont give you any of my links!

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