You know youve made it with a 5,000 LINK stack when

Multiple threads have formed in last couple days where tons of people are posting their stacks and many arent even a top tier Private with 500 Link.

I remember laughing at Marines who only had 5,000 10 months ago, but now 5,000 is extra comfy as we evolve.

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5000 link at 1000$ per link gets 4 million USD after 20% capital gains taxes. 4 million USD interest rate gets you 100,000 USD per year in interest. Not needing to work anymore means you can move to a low cost of living area since you no longer need a city to earn a high wage. You could even more to another country where the dollar is gold and live like a god king, because again, not needing to work means 100,000k a year anywhere you go on the planet.

5k is a make it stack. This is assuming link goes to 1000 USD. It could go to 2k or 3k, then you've beyond made it.

And that's not even considering the returns on staking once the whole network is actually utilized

I have a 15k stack.
Bought some extra 5k@25 cents back in the day for the memes

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4.8k linker here. We might actually make it bros. I will acquire 5k at all costs.

I really hope this comes true. I want my dad to retire and enjoy his years before he gets old and can't do much.

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>1000 per link

Nobody's gonna pay 10+ dollars for a shit token that was worth 40 cents 2 months ago

I have 52k and can't believe that people are bragging about having these amounts. It still doesn't feel like enough honestly, despite the gains I've made on paper the last few weeks.

are you me? The only thing I can think about if i make it is how much i'll be able to give to my family, my parents are in their 50's and still have 40yrs until their mortgage is paid. My Dad's lost his job several times over the years. I just want them to be happy and end life without a financial worry. This is why I keep buying more, i'm constantly asking myself if it's enough to support my family and friends...

830 LINK. please please please chainlink needs to work.i'm crying anons. please sergey! you have no idea how much investing in your project means to lower middle class (if you can call it that) common folk.

Congrats you've made it bro

I don't have friends so I'm not going that far, but I do want to take care of my family. My brothers and I have always been close, I want to get rid of their debts so they don't have that financial burden and can focus on other things. They don't believe in link or easy money but I'm going to keep accumulating for their sake.

i have brothers too. i just want to pay off their student loans and give them a headstart

I only have 12k but honestly I think anything above 20k is a comfy stack. I really really wanted to get to fucking 20k but then we started mooning. I should have taken out a loan

>Only 12k
> Literally 1-2K stack is making it
If you have over 2K link you WILL make it over 1 million dollars.

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1k has never been a making it stack. Some say 10k but I don't know. I guess it depends what making it means to you. I'm a burger so me its at least $1 million USD.

I define it as getting out of the wagie cycle, so a quarter million. That's enough to get you passive income of $1000+ a month so you don't have to work 40 hours a week.
2000*300= $600,000
2000*500= $1,000,000

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Showed pops some gains and he shot me a grand. I just want the man to retire comfortably and also buy him a laundry mat so he could waste away collecting coins and fucking his girlfriends. I want to make it, for him.

Who tf is living on $12k a year?

People of low class society, But they work 40-50 hours a week at mcdonalds. Living on 12-15k a year isn't so bad if you don't work at all and get to sleep in and play video games all day.

1k usd eoy is fud. People with a 1k stack will make it so long as they hold long term.

>a grand will only get you 250 links now
Damn that really puts things into perspective of how crazy it's gotten. On the other hand though that 250 can become a crazy amount later.

I used to do so years ago so I could easily get by with that now.

My dad fucked me over in 2017, literally kiked me and left me jobless with $150K student loan debt. I now have a 250K link stack and he will never see a penny.

150k student loan debt? where the fuck did u go to school?

I’ve held since pre sibos. Been a ride shilling to close friends and family. Eventually got them to fomo around a dollar. The pessimist in my believes that $1k won’t make it but my stack will and it will go towards pops retirement.

1k poorfag reporting in sir

If you ever have children, don’t repeat his mistakes. Be better. You’ve made it user

undergrad + law school

My kids will never be abandoned like that. They will respect the value of money but I will never put myself over them. My dad is a legit sociopath

Have you taken profits? Otherwise you're going to regret it when it dumps. There's always that possibility.