Literally all we want is for our wives/gfs to not be whores. Is that really too fucking much to ask?
What the fuck is wrong with women?
They don’t want to be your wife, why can’t you get that user?
You fell for the marriage meme?
>t. a person who yells have sex incel to other good person on virginia police board
>be american
>fight for israel
>get ptsd
>get cucked
oh can you see
That is fucked. After all that he has to give his ex wife who remarried 43% of his retirement? That doesn't sound right.
I just want to give this guy a hug. How awful.
Why does his son only have one eyebrow?
checked and kek'd
Most men don't know anything about women and are married for life to one
most women guard knowledge about women for dear life least they do what they do - be able to manipulate them
that's why they hate things like PUA so much
That is the guy who cucked him. Anyway, yeah women are whores
imagine being married to someone for life who thinks you are a piece of shit or at very least thinks you are replaceable or not good enough, men should know that the only unconditional love in the world comes from your parents and that's IF your parents are good people, at least they wouldn't waste mental games into shit that is all fake anyway
all women are whores
Soldiers get cheated on constantly. The best soldiers are dead already. You shouldn't have a fucking family if you're a soldier.
>design your entire society around men working and women being house wives
>if you divorce women have no assets, so the courts have to give them something otherwise they and the kids starve
They brought this on themselves. Now days because women earn a lot more men in divorces actually do far better in a divorce settlement.
And soldiers cheat constantly with whores
Morale-less people beget morale-less people
Imagine getting cucked by 15y old monobrow after surviving 6 years as a viatnamese prisoner.
>the only unconditional love in the world comes from
What happens if you were 'raised' by an emotionally abusive, manipulative single mother because your father left when you were 4?
My doggo loves me right?
yes, doggos and anime, i may have lost hope in women but doggos are still the best kind of company after a long day, nothing worse than a nagging woman about bullshit after you have been sleep deprived for 3 days straight because of work
all men are retards
Literally nothing, they have equal ratios of cheating to men.
You're just swallowing so many Jow Forums shitposts daily you have created a thought bubble for yourself which you validate by going out to look for evidence to prove your own hypothesis, while ignoring rational thought.
>seeing limbs blown of by mines, friends bleeding out in punji-traps, little children beeing killed in the crossfire, people beeing burned alive by napalm, realizing all of that could happen to you anytime and coping with it is the same as beeing bored because your fuckstick is gone.
that's like, your opinion man
you chose the soldier life. deal with it. Also, given the latest US discussions on war, one can clearly see that the ones that are pro-war are betacucks wanting to relieve the pressures that they are on due to general political atmosphere. the non-cucks are against the war. they don't need to prove themselves
Coudn't get why men tolerated women at all. then one prostitute started nagging me after I fucked her particularly nicely. Because I got what I wanted in spades from her, every nag seemed like revelatory piece of enlightenment that I mulled over for the rest of the day.
Now I understand
>getting drafted to vietnam war
>you chose the soldier life
Holy shit, you're an idiot
Why would he have to do that?
What justification could the judge have?
this clown can't even remember the threads he have posted in
your like a contemporary black man demanding respect because of slavery. Shut up fuckhead, you didn’t experience the anguish
yeah, for involving women in their lives
love from doggo isn't real - they're just wired that way
this is pretty accurate.
kind of in the same situation with my gf right now.
i wanted her because she was a slut and i wanted to get some fetishes like anal out of my syste. Now she's boring as fuck with a slut past who doesn't do anal anymore. Who the fuck would want to have a gf like that?
>they're just wired that way
Then love from humans isn't real either.
More like forced
You get to chose who you associate with. A dog doesn’t
>You get to chose who you associate with
That's why many people still have their crush in their head after years and can't forget him/her.
You don't choose who you like, you just sometimes choose to ignore that person despite love.
>A dog doesn’t
Probably. A dog still prefers some people other others just like humans do.