Only need a 7x to make it

Only need a 7x to make it

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>settling for a 7x

do you have any Skycoin, fren?

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Go all in FTM/RLC. Thank me in few months.

but you will be scared to put everything you own into a shitcoin that has chances to go x7 but also crashing to 0

I understand what you re saying but there was a time i needed like x125

Not settling but its the round number i never thought i could achieve

>tfw need a 1500x

How much money in total is making it to you?

So whats your net total? 200k?

How will you handle it from here? 200k is a lot to gamble. Considering low cost shitcoins that might moon? HOT, DADI?

Only 300x to make it...

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I can legit 'make it' on my own with $100k usd. I have 10k to invest, so i 'only' need a 10x... so close yet so far..

What's making it to you? If it's 7 figures and you're already at 6 figures, the safest thing is to just hold BTC and wait a couple years. That's basically my position. I have some small stacks in shitcoins for moon potential but it's far too risky to be risking 6 figures on those things with big position sizes now.

if you double a penny every day for 30 days, you will have $5,368,709.12.


Around 170
Idk desu
True kek. Thats what im afraid

Honestly OP just wait. The ETH and BTC didn't even go through the bullrun yet and probably won't for a year or so. Even if LINK stagnates (which it won't) in relation to LINK/ETH, you'll still be gaining money from the rise of ETH/BTC

1.2m? Really I don't think I've made it yet.

Need at least 2-3m imho

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Don't forget you need to pay tax so you'll take a 20-40% hit to the tax man.

When you get into large sums of money, you can just open up a trust or a business in a country without capital gains taxes and then employ yourself from there.

Yes but you have to move to that country to get the tax residency.

>tfw only need to 2x four times to make it

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Congrats fren
I will pay everything. Last thing i want is tax problems

Fuck you, i need at least 120x to make it, and like 20x to being confy

That usually takes a boomer investor like 35 years

X12 here but with taxes ill need a x20..

100k portfolio

I'm in same position as OP and thinking about doing this too. The other thing with low cap coins is you really notice the lack of liquidity when youre trying to 4x 250k rather than 100x 10k... makes it much harder to pull off

Weak hands babby; wont make it.

Chad risk taker; absolutely based.

9x here
Let’s go bois

$200,000 right now, portfolio is all in Link

I need a 10x (2 mil) to make it

What would you do in my situation? Move to BTC?

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You can’t do that in most (all?) wealthy countries to avoid taxes if you bought the coins beforehand.

100k is not enough...

I need a 4x to break even...

So you are saying you only need to get a shit load of Resistance dex?