>he didn't sell LINK when it was $4.40
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $4.20
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $4
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $3.50
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $3
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $2
>he didn't sell LINK when it was $1
>he didn't sell LINK when it was .50
>he didn't sell LINK when it was .20
>he didn't sell LINK when it was .10
>he couldn't afford rope
He didn't sell LINK when it was $4.40
>He sold at 2.70
You are here.
Begone, shortseller.
>he didnt buy LINK before it was $1000
I want this shit to reach at least 5$ and then sell. Am I too greedy?
t.160 linklet
Hi Timo I thought you killed yourself
Why sell at 5$ when it will reach 100$ later this year?
selling link is for retards or degenerate gamblers
Gonna sell this quadrillion derivate market helper only for 1000$ at piece (Link)
pro tip: 10% will be sold to 100 $
retarded tier
you didn't believe in Link meme magic, that's why your a linklet with 160 link
You are not believing in the 1000$ per link
That's why you will suffer regret
You're a linklet but you still have the opportunity to be in
I can only hope for it to get to below $1 again so I can buy even more of them
How do I resist the temptation of selling at 100$ instead of 1000$
sell a tiny bit and spend it on things that help take your mind off the trading chart plague
just go ahead and sell now retard. There's basically no difference in what you will get out of it. It'll all be gone in two weeks regardless
what the fuck? people are still doing this drake meme?
"I'm gay and I hold Chainlink" - Sam Hyde
Why sell if correction already happened? LINK will go to $10 based on Google and Oracle news alone.
God i hope it dumps to $2 or lower. Been acumulating since .40 and i want more. MORE!!!
Im never selling
>WTF people are still breathing?
LMAO all the autistic losers on this board are too retarded to sell.
atleast we're not retarded enough to not buy
Maybe too greedy but at 500 link you got to be a little greedy to get worthwhile gains
I got my sell orders in for $5.50 & $8.00. it has one or two more good pumps before it dips again. What goes up must come down.