Oracle and Chainlink

So I'm trying to educate myself on Chainlink but cant really figure out what the hell is this 'Oracle'? And why is Chainlink using it?

Many of you say that we should do our own research but crpyto is very complex. I just don't get some parts of it like Oracle or something.

Attached: The-oracle-the-matrix-c692e96a-8c70-4e81-9f5d-d8c0096ea5b-resize-750.jpg (608x422, 63K)

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basically yes this is true its something have not been yet discussed much but theres many hopefuls.

All you need to know is you buy 1000 LINK and hold

I’ve been gone from Jow Forums for a while, and this is the fucken shit I come back to. GTFO


We're not your google, faggot

I have been holding for some time. I just wanted to do my own reasearch but just cant understand many terms. Just like the matrix movies, it's not that easy to figure out. I myself am not a programmer so there is a lot to learn.

>crtl+f "chainlink"
0 results. Thanks but that doesnt help me.

an the simplest level

an oracle is a trusted source of data.

>chainlink tell me the price of etherium
$4 aka it's a lying cunt
>rlc tell me the price of etherium
>$303 aka seems legit
user tell me the price of etherium
>it's shit - idk if i trust this faggot

It's the last part needed to perfect the blockchain

You think you just goona step and take what's ours, rlc nigger?

thats because you need to read between the lines, moron

Chainlink is all about decentralizing Oracle. Chainlink will make that company exist solely in cyberspace. Think about it, dude! No rent or office space needed, upkeep cut to zero. Larry Ellison's on board because he's tired of paying CA rent and also he is secretly Sergey Nazarov; check the letters of their name and you'll find that an anagram forms

something tells me you're just having a giggle m8

you talk like a faggot and your shit's all retarded.


Sometimes it's do be like that

yes fren
sometimes it really do

>I just wanted to DMOR
>But I'm to lazy to learn the basics
fuck off plebbit

Who the fuck cares? Just buy and hodl.

Attached: Chainlink.jpg (720x408, 74K)

the matrix is peak boomercore

...and then everything went downhill. *sip*

Attached: bubs.jpg (675x601, 15K)

>we explains it themselves. Start there nufren.

>an oracle is a trusted source of data
No it isn't
>tell me the price of etherium
That is Siri at best

Make your life easy user.

Attached: 1557359392914.gif (320x387, 3.55M)

We the people honestly prefer videos to reading