Reminder that trading is the ultimate redpill

Even if you start with $100 and make as little as 5% a day, it only takes 3 months to reach $8000.

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>he thinks he can consistently make 5% a day

daytrading is a meme
swinging over timeframes of 1week - 1 month are the true redpill


The ultimate redpill is long term trading with 5% gains over a year or more. This board is spoiled by the cryptocurrency goldmines it has come across, but for the majority of our lives it would be better to start learning long term strategies.

>he doesn't play moonshot roulette
you newfags are pathetic

Trading isnt a meme. You have to deeply understand a particular market to be good at it though. Meme triangles arent enough.

> gets fucked by manipulation and trading fees
Nah for 99.9% of people choosing a coin and holding is the best option.

>5% gains a year
whoaaa, let's slow down and think this over, junior...I've seen too many friends lose their shirts in schemes like that. Your uncle Steve, he had to remortgage his third home after he gambled away 1.5% of his retirement fund in a single month. Whaddya you think about that, huh?

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I came to a similar conclusion but there are exceptions. Trading a downswing the way up again on good news is probably the best way.

But I need to turn 50 linkies into at least 500 by the end of the month. :(

that's quite ridiculous, i want to turn 500 into 1k though

>5% gains over a year or more
>invest $100,000
>get $5,000 back over 18 months
A whole $277 a month. Crazy stuff.

What's a ridiculous target then? I was being greedy, I know, but I really do need to make rent. It's about $500. :|

I mean realistic. That was a Freudian slip!

If you have a few million in the bank this is actually a good strategy. Low risk and enough win to live off of it.

> and make as little as 5% a day, it only takes 3 months to reach $8000

It's that easy! Just clock in and make sure to get that 5% every day and you're golden.

Even market wizards don't make a consistent 5%

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5% a day with 100% winrate nigga you smoking hopium

There is some right cunts on the board these days.

i wont give him the yous. absolute cunts. here, in our homechan.

>The ultimate redpill is long term trading with 5% gains over a year or more.
That's the dumbest fucking redpill I've ever heard. You're bleeding buying power through inflation.

how are you doing trading user? Or any other user who trading actively.