Who else is mining ChainLink? I got my miner setup a few hours ago and already made 1 token. My system is all AMD, I'm kinda curious what you are getting with NVIDIA and Intel hardware?
PS my Vega64 is doing 1800hs at only 160 watts.
Mining ChainLink
Dont forget to underclock vga and keep your rig cool in order to maximize its lifespan.
How do you do this?
I have a second gen Threadripper, pulling about 3200hs, pretty wild.
Depending on difficulty spikes I’m pulling in about 40-75LINK a day.
You can’t mine chainlink
Larp. All the gpu miners have been pushed out by ASICs. There's no way you could've mined that in only a few hours.
was mining ETH 2 years ago
didn't take long untill my graphic card burned out
Be careful with it
Don’t listen to this nuLINKer idiot, mining ERC tokens has always been possible, look at 0xBTC, mining LINK is how you make it.
Hi newfag
Am I going insane or this board is going Insane? I guess I really am a
its irony newfag
All AMD myself here! netting about 3 tokens a day currently
Same. Mined 86k before the coinbase listing. Upgrading my rig soon.
I made a bridge between Pi and Chainlink band been mining some with my smartphone. Only getting about 0.1lnk a day though. Should probable upgrade to iPhone x
Damn, congrats man i only mined 30k t.t
0xChainlink is a Jow Forums invented FPGA miner scam token
I was using nVIDIa, very efficient and runs cool so I’m saving on electricity costs. Honestly I’ve never been so happy, it’s like time traveling back to 2010 and mining bitcoin
>I guess I really am a
>just now starting
Kek, shouldn't've waited until the difficulty got so high. I was running my Sega Dreamcast (overclocked with bios mod) as well as a few 2002-2007 era Windows XP boxes on it since 2017, and made over 8k LINK
>mfw about to /make_it/
just buy gold
Just bought a 6k mining rig wish me luck anons !
Thank you I feel a lot better now
Lmao ok I’ll let you guys have your fun then
i recently started mining linkies on my phone, made enough to treat myself with a big mac today
tfw your hacked Wii console is spluttering to mine more than 2 Links a week. Can a fren post the site where I can download the new mining OS for the Wii U Link Miner hack?
the hash rate is difficult to overcome if you don't have a 30K BTU unit, but you can bypass it by updating the grubloader q24H for ~20link/day
>inb4 non-linuk stinkies
I don't understand why the difficulty is so low and the price is sky high, with so many ways to effectively mine.
This isn't sustainable but it sure is nice atm.
There's only 100ish people in my pool, but we are unlocking quiet a lot of tokens. I am upgrading soon with my profits, probably another vega (though some of these other methods are interesting)
always remember your graphics card to the latest chainlink node
>all linkers bought their stinkies from sir gay
Shits like xrp but worse. Not even its own chain lmao.
Kek, you gotta go back bro
Just remember to lock in your link prices on your wallet, the new trezor firmware update makes it extremely ez to do this
>mfw I'm (((mining))) LINK
just started my operation as well
>mining is Jewish
>Shits like xrp but worse.
>mining is Jewish
I'm a mirror, and when a monkey looks and doesn't see a philosopher staring back, they get very upset
Its premined and all the supply comes from a single source. It's literally the same as xrp in that regard, you double nigger. Stop using echos, you don't understand their purpose.
>It's literally the same as xrp
Lol, imagine the confusion these newfags are experiencing right now.
You sir are and idiot ;)
>You sir are and idiot ;)
who's the dumb one
the guy who is the supposed idiot?
or the one who argues with the idiot?
I made this meme and many others, then tried to swing and got down from 120k to 50k linkies, am I still a marine fren because of my photoshop skills or is swinging too big of a sin to forgive
imagine the smell
who the fuck comes up with these reddit tier videos
those aren't actors
>there are people who actually bought 10k suicide stacks instead of mining them
Nice rig, AMD have always been okay at mining Link.
I splashed out on a second hand FPGA card and string 62kh/s with a script that took me a couple weeks to get right.
I now make around 300 Link per day. COMFY
I have a pajeet mining farm in Pakistan bringing in 10 link per day. This shit is easy money user. They literally for work like .00025 link a day. Its insane.