were going to moon soon
Get in
Another vaporware scamcoin by a bunch of chinks.
Buy Vechain instead real product and already surpassed eth transaction volume.
>were going to moon soon
yes sirs please no buy FTM very big scams do the needful buy VECHAIN
Why did they get listed for free at Binance and Okex? And rumors about Upbit etc?
asking for a friend
Tell your friend to just buy already and stop edging
because its a solid project you cuck. get in while you can at these prices
FTM VIDT AND LIT , we will make it booooys
how is it better than Constellation $DAG? Which has a smaller cap
>Want to buy it
>It's not on coinbase
Guess I'll MO without the FOMO
wen dubai news? and see its security
God I wish this was me
110k fantomlet here
Get in boys, it's not too late.
jesus christ, you sure about that?
What is suicide stack? I only have 20k
It's okay, I only have 220k,
We will still make it.
100k suicide stack, at least
Just get on Binance fren
ICX / antshare vibes
Don't you shills get sick of dumping every day since binance listing? That was the pump. It's over. Why are you still bagholding this trash get a hold of yourself.
It's clearly not over
> Another vaporware scamcoin by a bunch of chinks.
> Tells people to buy other chink scamcoin Vechain instead.
Fantom's been consistently beating other projects in terms of updates, transparency, communication, and growth. There's only enough room in this street for one of us, Rankesh. Go shit somewhere else.
>dumping everyday
Try again did shill
100k minimum to make it
It's on idex
That is exactly my portfolio but I also hold a small bag of FSN
Fuck off pajeets.
Suicide stack starts from 25K fantabros.
1.4MM Fantom Marine reporting in.
There is no reason for this to pump again. Every coin dumps hard at mainnet and muh Dubai is priced in because you shills have been shilling it for a month.
Don't be salty
Just buy some Fanty
FTM is vapourware. And that white dude writing the code is a nobody. His code reviews suck. He just writes 'this is interesting' scroll down ' this is boring' scroll down ' this is interesting'. he is full of shit. the marketing is run by a shill scammer and the founders ripped off old people in korea. everyone thta holds FTM knows that it is cancer, but they all keep shilling and trapping more noobs. watch this space vapourware.
It's vapourware like LINK is vapourware