Imagine not holding this after all the Jow Forums fudding.
Imagine not holding this after all the Jow Forums fudding
A sunday egg? I had one this morning
>imagine not buying a useless piece of shit after you hear plenty of reasons not to
bitcoin sucks
Agree, 0xBitcoin has superior fundamentals.
>plenty of reasons
could you list off a few?
fpga miner scam token pajeet discord tranny bag shillers
You clearly held it too long lmao
Rofl what a bitch. This Token was never premined it was literally open to anybody who wanted to mine it. There were like 200 people in the whole community when you could even mine it on a home pc.
Never trust a token with a alert mention discord bot, kek
haha, i genuinely can't tell if this is a parody or a legit 0xbitcoin hater. well played
0x. Poetry.
where'd you go, buddy? please come back and regale us with just a few of the "plenty" of reasons.
no it doesn't
Yes it does, your turn
poo poo pee pee ka ka doo doo
>poo poo pee pee ka ka doo doo
your level of argumentation is about average for 0xbitcoin haters
0xbtc is compelling because it builds upon the strengths of btc and adds benefits because is is erc20, meaning fast transactions and can leverage existing infrastructure. At this stage it has only its merits to stand on, if you are waiting until price confirmation the opportunity will not be as big and you will probably feel like the ship has already sailed.
0xbtc is an opportunity of a lifetime, IMO. Warrants at least a few % portfolio allocation when I see the 2-5yr outlook in the 100x - 10,000x range.
indian curry street shitter poo poo brain
I can see a scenario where things pop off a lot sooner. With binance restricting trading of so many tokens we might see a really good DEX get started. If that DEX decided to use 0xbtc pairs it could go paribolic.
I think someone from the Discord is developing a DEX with 0xbtc as base currency, I don't know much about the current state of this project though.
Yeah they are. I've played around with it a little. It's still a bit clunky but it's way better than IDEX.
0xbtc is the shittiest of all shitty pajeet coins, and anyone who ever bought it is a fucking idiot retard
0xBTC is dead, BitcoinSoV is the Worlds First Mineable & Deflationary token.
In the incredibly unlikely event that your coin takes off, what’s stopping someone from just writing a trivial wrapper contract around it to get around the token burn?
yeah curry shit poo scam tranny token, doo doo desu
if you're capable of making any kind of meaningful statement about 0xbitcoin, please go ahead and do so. i don't think you are, though.
So when does this bleed over into normie conscious?
soon my friend, we need to fud it more
Likely to be years, but if/when it does the pump will be surreal. Bitcoin analogues are virtually Veblen goods
Yes. I was one of them. And I dumped those useless scamcoins on your pajeet ass so hard & used the profit to buy actually decent tokens.
you throw empty words because you have no argument.
scam token doo doo pajeet poo poo tranny discord moon fud pepe satoshi vision