So glad i'm protected by the safety of coinbase professional

i have 2fa. I have transfer address whitelisting turned on. still have to wait 72 hours to move 1 measly eth? so glad the government is protecting me from binance

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-30 at 11.03.16 AM.png (1362x938, 176K)

not your keys not your coins
eth is not a coin tho
it's an unlimited supply shitcoin
fuck you and coinbase

No one is forcing you to use CB

you are right user, i learned today

The first truly decentralized exchange will be as revolutionary as Bitcoin or the internet.

they are literally worse than a fucking bank

Why do you have to wait? Never happened to me

no idea, i've made many transfers larger than this in and out in the past

Fiat DEX would be cool.

Get fukt newfag I have absolutely no problems with my og 2017 account